• Taichi - Physics Engines


          Some supplement contents about Taichi

          If overlapping contents: just add on the original GAMES201 notes. The new contents: add at the last of the notes individually.

          • Exporting Results (Lecture 2)
          • OOP and Metaprogramming (Lecture 3)
          • Diff. Programming (Lecture 3)
          • Visualization (Lecture 3)



          Lecture 1 Introduction


          Keyword: Discretization / Efficient solvers / Productivity / Performance / Hardware architecture / Data structures / Parallelization / Differentiability (DiffTaichi)


          Taichi Programming Language


          Required every time using taichi

          Use ti.init, for spec. cpu or gpu: use ti.cpu (default) or ti.gpu


          Data Types

          signed integers ti.i8 (~ 64, default i32) / unsigned integers ti.u8 (~64) / float-point numbers ti.f32(default) (~ 64)

          Modify Default

          The default can be changed via ti.init

          Type Promotions

          Switch to high percision automatically

          Type Casts


          Multi-dimensional arrays(高维数组)


          ti.field: A global N-d array of elements

          heat_field = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(256, 256))

          Other Examples:


          Must be decorated with @ti.kernel (Compiled, statically-typed, lexically-scoped, parallel and differentiable - faster)

          For loops at the outermost scope in a Taichi kernel is automatically parallelized (if inside - serial)

          If a outermost scope is not wanted to parallelize for and an inside scope is, write the unwanted one in the python scope and call the other one as the outermost in the kernel.


          Return Value


          Decorated with @ti.func, usually for high freq. used func.

          Taichi's function can be called in taichi's kernel but can't be called by python (not global)

          Function 可以被 kernel 调用但不能被 py 调用,kernel 也不能调用 kernel,但是 function可以调用 function



          Scalar Math

          Similar to python. But Taichi also support chaining comparisons (a < b <= c != d)

          Specifically, a / b outputs floating point numbers, a // b ouputs integer number (as in py3)

          Matrices and Linear Algebra

          ti.Matrix is for small matrices only. For large matrices, 2D tensor of scalars should be considered.

          Note that element-wise product in taichi is * and mathematically defined matrix product is @ (like MATLAB)

          Common Operations:(返回矩阵 A 经过变换的结果而非变换 A 本身)

          Parallel for-loops

          (Automatically parallalized)

          Range-for loops

          Same as python for loops

          Struct-for loops

          Iterates over (sparse) tensor elements. Only lives at the outermost scope looping over a ti.field

          for i,j in x: can be used


          Atomic Operations

          In Taichi, augmented assignments (e.g. x[i] += 1) are automatically atomic.

          (+=: the value on the RHS is directly summed on the current value of the var. and the referncing var.(array))

          (Atomic operation: an operation that will always be executed without any other process being able to read or change state that is read or changed during the operation. It is effectively executed as a single step, and is an important quality in a number of algorithms that deal with multiple independent processes, both in synchronization and algorithms that update shared data without requiring synchronization.)

          When modifying global var. in parallel, make sure to use atomic operations.

          Taichi-scope vs. Python-scope

          Taichi-scope: Everything decorated with ti.kernel and ti.func

          Code in Taichi-scope will be compiled by the Taichi compiler and run on parallel devices (Attention that in parallel devices the order of print may not be guaranteed)

          Python-scope: Code outside the Taichi-scope

          Code in Python-scope is simple py code and will be executed by the py interpreter


          1. Initialization: ti.init()

          2. Tensor allocation: ti.var, ti.Vector, ti.Matrix

            Only define tensors in this allocation phase and never define in the computation phase

          3. Computation (launch kernel, access tensors in Py-scope)

          4. Optional: Restart (clear memory, destory var. and kernels): ti.reset()

          Practical Example (fractal)

          Debug Mode


          Lecture 2 Lagrangian View


          Two Views (Def)

          Lagrangian View

          Sensors that move passively with the simulated material(节点跟随介质移动)


          Euler View

          Still sensors that never moves(穿过的介质的速度)


          Mass-Spring Systems

          弹簧 - 质点模型 (Cloth / Elastic objects / ...)

          Hooke's Law


          (f - force, k - Spring stifness, Li,j - Spring rest length between particle i and j, ^ - normalization, xix^j​ - direction vector of paticle i to j)

          Newton's Second Law of Motion


          Time Integration

          Common Types of Integrators


          Implementing a Mass-Spring System with Symplectic Euler



          Backward Euler Implicit Implement


          Solving the system:



          Unifying Explicit and Implicit Integrators


          Solve Faster

          For millions of mass points and springs

          Lagrangian Fluid Simulation (SPH)

          Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

          Use particles carrying samples of physical quntities, and a kernel W​, to approximate continuous fields (A can be almost any spatially varying phisical attributes: density / pressure / ...)



          在 x 这点的物理场的值(即 A(x)​​​)等于核函数(如密度 / 压力等)加权平均了周围的粒子(本质是光滑了)的求和。核函数中间高四周低,使得更靠近该点影响更大,远离该点的影响变小(超过 support 半径 h​ 则为 0)

          不需要 mesh,适合模拟自由表面 free-surface flows 流体(如水和空气接触的表面,反之,不适合烟雾(空间需要被填满)等),可以使用 “每个粒子就是以小包水” 理解

          Equation of States (EOS)

          aka. Weakly Compressible SPH (WCSPH)

          Momentum Equation (ρ - density (ρ0 - ideal), B - bulk modulus, γ - constant (usually ~ 7) )

          (Actually the Navier-Stoke's without considering viscosity)


          ρi​ 通过质量加权, D - Lagrange derivative

          Gradient in SPH


          Not really accurate but at least symmetric and momentum conserving (to add viscosity etc. Laplacian should be introduced)

          SPH Simulation Cycle

          Variant of SPH

          Paper: SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics, Smooted Particle Hydrodynamics Techniques for Physics Based Simulation of Fluids and Solids (2019)

          Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Conditions (Explicit)

          One upper bound of time step size: (def. using velocity other than stiffness)


          (C - Courant number, CFL number, u - maximum velocity, Δt - time step, Δx - length interval (e.g. particle radius and grid size))

          Application: estimating allowed time step in (explicit) time integration.

          SPH: ~ 0.4; MPM (Material Point Method): 0.3 ~ 1; FLIP fluid (smoke): 1 ~ 5+

          Build spatial data structure such as voxel grids O(n2)O(n)

          Neighborhood search with hashing

          精确找到距离不超过 h​​​​ 的粒子,每个 voxel 维护一个 list(所有位置在这个 voxel 里的粒子),每个需要查找的粒子先确定相应 voxel 再查找周围的 voxel(枚举所有包含的粒子,通常是常数)- SPH 的瓶颈


          Ref: Compact hashing

          Other Paricle-based Simulation Methods

          Exporting Results

          Exporting Videos


          Lecture 3 Lagrangian View (2)


          弹性、有限元基础、Taichi 高级特性



          Deformation Map ϕ​​ (to describe): A (vector to vector) function that relates rest material position and deformed material position


          Deformation gradient F: F=xdeformedxrest (Translational invariant, same deformation gradients for ϕ1 and ϕ1+c)

          Deform / rest volume ratio: J=det(F) F[None] = [[2, 0], [0, 1]](横向拉伸了))


          Hyperelastic material

          Hyperelastic material: Stress-strain relationship is defined by a strain energy density function ψ=ψ(F)

          ψ​ is a potential function that penalizes deformation; F represents the strain (means deformation gradient)

          Stress Tensor

          Relationship: τ=jσ=PFT; P=JσFT; Traction t=σTn (考虑的是截面的法向量,转置为 -T)​

          Elastic Moduli (Isotropic Materials)

          Lame parameters

          Conversions:(通常指定 Young’s Modulus & Poisson’s Ratio,或 EνK=E3(12ν) ; λ=Eν(1+ν)(12ν) ; μ=E2(1+ν)

          Hyperelastic Material Models

          Popular in graphics:

          Lagrangian Finite Elements on Linear Tetrahedral Meshes

          The Finite Element Method (FEM)

          Discretization sheme to build discrete equations using weak formulations of continuous PDEs

          Linear Tetrahedral (Triangular) FEM

          Assumption: The deformation map ϕ​ is affine and thereby the deformation gradient F​ is constant

          xdeformed=F(xrest)+b b - offset,平移产生的形不产生弹性,不影响 gradient)

          For every element e​, the elastic potential energy U(e)=eψ(F(x))dx=Veψ(Fe)​​ (对每个元素这么设定,计算其弹性势能)

          Computing Fe (for 2D triangles)

          Explicit Linear Triangular (FEM) Simulation

          Semi-implicit Euler time integration scheme:


          xt,i​ and vt,i​​ are stored on the vertices of finite elements (triangles / tetrahedrons), Ve - constant volumes


          Taichi’s AutoDiff system can use to compute p(Fe)

          Implicit Linear Triangular FEM Simulation

          Backward Euler Time Integration: [IβΔt2M1fx(xt)]vt+1=vt+ΔtM1f(xt)

          (M - diagonal matrix to record the mass)

          Compute force differentials: fx=2ψx2 (second order DE are not available in taichi)

          Higher Level of Taichi

          Objective Data-Oriented Programming

          OOP -> Extensibility / Maintainability

          An “object” contains its own data (py-var. / ti.field) and method (py-func. / @ti.func / @ti.kernel)


          Python OOP in a Nutshell

          If want to add some features, this method can inherit all past features and add on them (easy to maintain and extent)

          Using Classes in Taichi

          Hybrid scheme: Objective Data-Oriented Programming (ODOP)

          -> More data-oriented -> usually use more vectors / matrices in the class

          Important Decorators:

          Caution: if the variable is passed from Python scope, the self.xxx will still regard as a constant


          Demo: ti example odop_solar: a=GMr/||r||23

          Metaprogramming 元编程

          Allow to pass almost anything (including tensors) to Taichi kernels; Improve run-time performance by moving run-time costs to compile time; Achieve dimensionality independence (2D / 3D simulation codes simultaneously); etc. 很多计算可以在编译时间完成而非运行时间完成 (kernels are lazily instantiated)

          Metaprogramming -> Reusability:

          Programming technique to generate other programs as the program’s data


          In Taichi the “Codes to write” section is actually ti.templates and ti.statics


          Allow to pass anything supported by Taichi (if directly pass something like a = [43, 3.14] (python list) -> error; need to modify as Taichi’s types a = ti.Vector([43, 3.14]))

          Taichi kernels are instantiated whenever seeing a new parameter (even same typed)

          frequently used of templates will cause higher time costs


          The template initialization process could cause high overhead

          Dimensionlity-independent Programming
          Tensor-size Reflection

          Fetch tensor dimensionlity info as compile time constants:


          Compile-time Branching

          Using compile-time evaluation will allow certain computations to happen when kernel are being instantiated. Saves the overhead of the computations at runtime (C++17: if constexpr)

          Forced Loop-unrolling

          Use ti.static(range(...)) : Unroll the loops at compile time(强制循环展开)

          Reduce the loop overhead itself; loop over vector / matrix elements (in Taichi matrices must be compile-time constants)

          Variable Aliasing

          Creating handy aliases for global var. and func. w/ cumbersome names to improve readability


          Data generated data (usually used to check whether the shape / size is the same or not for copy)

          Differentiable Programming

          Forward programs evaluate f(x), differentiable programs evaluates f(x)x

          Taichi supports reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AutoDiff) that back-propagates gradients w.r.t. a scalar (loss) function f(x) (关于每个元素的导数)

          Gradient-based Optimization


          Results: Loss exp. decreases to near 0

          (also use for gradient descend method for fixing curves, FEM and MPM (with bg. grids to deal with self collision))

          Application 1: Forces from Potential Energy Gradients


          (Demo: ti example mpm_lagrangian_forces)

          Application 2: Differentiating a Whole Physical Process

          Use AutoDiff for the whole physical process derivative

          Not used for basic differentiation but optimization for initial conditions(初始状态的优化 / 反向模拟)/ controller

          Need to record all tensors in the whole timestep in ti.Tape() ~ Requires high memory (for 1D tensor needs to use 2D Tape)

          ~ Use checkpointing to reduce memory consumption



          Visualizing 2D Results

          Apply Taichi’s GUI system:

          Visualizing 3D Results


          Lecture 4 Eulerian View (Fluid Simulation)




          Material Derivatives

          Connection of Lagrangian and Eulerian

          (Use D for material derivatives. t​ - Eulerian part, no spatial velocity, varies with time; u​ - material movement, change by velocity part in scalar field (u - material (fluid) velocity / advective / Lag. / particle derivative))


          For example:

          Temperature: DTDt=Tt+uTx-Velocity: DuxDt=uxt+uux

          (Incompressible) Navier-Stokes Equations


          Usually in graphics want low viscosity (delete the viscosity part) except for high viscous materials (e.g., honey)


          Operator Splitting

          Split the equation (PDEs with time) into 3 parts: (α - any physical property (temperature / color / smoke density / ...))

          DuDt=0,DαDt=0(advection)ut=g(external forces, optional)ut=1ρps.t.u=0(projection)

          Time Discretization

          (for each time step using the splitting above)


          Spatial Discretization

          Using Cell-centered Grids

          (evenly distributed)


          ux, uy and p​ are stored at the center of the cells (horizontal and vertical offset = 0.5 cell)

          Using Staggered grids

          Stored in various location (Red - ux; Green: uy; Blue - p)

          image-20210805202532004 Red: 3x4; Green: 4x3; Blue: 3x3

          Bilinear Interpolation

          Interpolate (x,y) with the 4 points by weighted average



          Different Schemes: Trade-off between numerical viscosity, stability, performance and complexity

          Semi-Lagrangian Advection



          Velocity field constant, for very short time step Δt​, velocity assumed to be constant (p -> x)


          velocity field not constant! -> Cause magnification / smaller / blur


          The real trajectory of material parcels can be complex (Red: a naive estimation of last position; Light gree: the true previous position.)


          (-> initial value problem for ODE, simply use the naive algorithm = forward Euler (RK1); to solve the problem can use RK2 scheme)

          ~ Blur: Usually because of the use of bilinear interpolation (numerical viscosity / diffusion) (causes energy reduction) -> BFECC

          BFECC / MacCormack


          BFECC: Back and Forth Error Compensation and Correction (Good reduction of blur especially for static region boundaries)

          Problem: Overshooting

          ~ Gibbs Phenomen at boundary because of this correction: 0.5 * (x[I] - new_x_aux[I])

          Idea: Introduce a clipping function

          image-20210806002649157 (Artifacts)

          Chorin-Style Projection

          To ensure the velocity field is divergence free after projection - Constant Volume (need linear solver - MGPCG)

          Expand using finite difference in time (u - the projected velocity field, p - The divergence degree of the gradient of the pressure)

          Divergence (div=​​): the total generation / sink of the fluid (+ for out, - for in). For actual (imcompressible) fluid flow: F=0​​ $\cur​​

          Curl (curl=×​): Clockwise - ×F<0​; Counter clockwise - ×F>0

          (REF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB83DpBJQsE)

          uu=Δtρp s.t. u=0u=uΔtρp s.t. u=0u=(uΔtρp)0=uΔtρpp=ρΔtu

          Want: find a p for the last formula

          Poisson’s Equation


          (Δ here represents 2=​, as the Laplace operator)

          If f=0​​, the equation becomes Laplace’s Equation (in this course generally not 0)

          Spatial Discretization (2D)

          Discretize on a 2D grid: (central differential, 5 points)


          Linear System: Anm×nmpnm=bnm​​ (very high dimension (especially for 3D), but sparse)​


          Divergency of velocity(速度的散度): Quantity of fluids flowing in / out: Flows in = Negative; Flows out = Positive


          Remind: Staggered Grid: x-componenets of u - vertical boundaries; y-comp: horizontal boundaries





          Boundary Conditions

          Dirichlet and Neumann boundaries

          Solving Large-scale Linear Systems


          (Good numerical solver are usually composed of different solvers)

          Matrix Storage

          A: often sparse, symmetric and positive-defined (SPD) (Actually 2-D arrays)

          Store A:

          Krylov-subspace Solvers

          Conjugate gradients

          Basic Algorithm: (energy minimization)

          r0=bAx0 # r - Residual p0=r0 # Estimation (x should be add a ? p to approach the solution) k=0 while True:


          xk+1=xk+αkpk rk+1=rkαkApk if rk+1 is sufficiently small, break

          βk=rk+1rk+1rkrk pk+1=rk+1+βkpk k=k+1 return xk+1

          Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers

          Convergence related to condition numbers


          A smaller condition number causes faster convergence

          Warm Starting

          Starting with an closer initial guess results in fewer interations needed

          Using p​ from the last frame as the initial guess of the current frame (Jacobi / GS / CG work well but not good for MGPCG)


          Find an approximate operator M that is close to A but easier to convert


          M1A may have a smaller condition number

          Common Preconditioners:

          Multigrid preconditioned conjugate gradients (MGPCG)

          Residual reduction very fast in several iterations

          A. McAdams, E. Sifakis, and J. Teran (2010). “A Parallel Multigrid Poisson Solver for Fluids Simulation on Large Grids.”. In: Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 65–73.

          Taichi demo: 2D/3D multigrd: ti example mgpcg_advanced


          Lecture 5 Poisson’s Equation and Fast Method


          Poisson’s Equation and its Fundamental Solution

          Using the view of PDE


          For example: Gravitational Problem (势场满足密度的泊松方程)


          If N particles in M points computaiton -> Required O(NM)

          Fast Summation


          M2M Transform

          (Electrons - Multipoles and Multipole - Multipole)

          For M2M Transform: Both z1 and z2 are far from Z; For M2L (Local pole ~ interpolation) Transform: z1 near Z

          M2L Transform

          If we know M-Expansion at c1 (M1 = {c1, Q, Qk}), what is the polynomial at z1, so that potentials at neighbor z can be evaluated.



          where H.O.T. is high order turbulence, from multipole to local pole


          L2L Transform

          If we know L-Expansion at c1 (L1 = {c1, B}), what is the polynomial at c2, so that potentials at neighbor z around c2 can be evaluated? Honer Scheme




          O(N) Alogarithm: lCPN4l=O(CPN)






          Taichi Graphic Course S1 (NEW)

          Lecture 0-2 is in the above notes


          Lecture 3 Advanced Data Layout (21.10.12)

          Advanced Dense Data Layouts

          (ti.field() is dense and @ti.kernel is optimized for field => Data Oriented => focus on data-access / decouple the ds from computations)

          CPU -> wall of computations; GPU / Parallel Frame -> wall of data access (memory access)

          Packed Mode

          Optimized for Data-access

          Upgrade ti.field()

          From shape to ti.root

          change to:


          One step futher:


          A Taichi script uses dense equiv. to the above C/C++ codes

          Row & Column Majored Fields

          Col: image-20211012200823340 Row:image-20211012201031533

          Access: struct for (the access order will altered for row and col. -majored)

          Example: loop over ti.j first (row-majored)

          Special Case (dense after dense)

          Hierachical 1-D field (block storage)


          Block major

          e.g. for 9-point stencil



          Compare to flat layouts:

          Array of Structure (AoS) and Structure of Arrays (SoA)


          Switching: ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(x,y) -> ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(x) + ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(y)

          Sparse Data Layouts

          SNode Tree (Extended)

          Dense SNode-Tree:



          But the space occupation rate could be low -> use pointer (when no data in the space a pointer points -> set to 0)



          Once writing an inactive cell: x[0,0] = 1 (activate the whole block the pointer points to (cont. memory))

          If print => inactivate will not access and return 0

          Pointer in Pointer

          Actually ok but can be a waste of memory (pointer = 64 bit / 8 bytes). can also break cont. in space



          The access / call is similar to a dense block. Cost 1-bit-per-cell extra but can skip some …


          Put Together



          Lecture 4 Sparse Matrix, Debugging and Code Optimization (21.10.19)

          Sparse Matrix and Sparse Linear Algebra

          Naive Taichi Implementation: hard to maintain

          Build a Sparse Matrix

          Sparse Matrix Operations

          Sparse Linear Solver

          Example: Linear Solver(鸡兔同笼)


          Given the amount of heads and legs to compute the amount of chicken and rabbit

          If the problem is solved intuitively as a linear system Ax=b, the time complexity will be at the level of O(n3) (even in sparse matrices)

          -> Use x = solver.solve(b)

          Example: Linear Solver (Diffusion)

          Tt=κ2T ;2T=xx2T+yy2T

          Finite Differential Method with FTCS Scheme

          Matrix Representation: (Explicit)


          κ is the conductivity rate, higher κ for higher propagation of the heat. But too high κ can have wrong wrong results. (for example: the Torigin is 100 degree and κ=500, the next step T will be -300 => oscillation results, unstable)


          The temperature transfer function can be easier to express:

          Matrix Representation: (Implicit)


          New Features (0.8.3+)

          Sparse Matrix related features to ti.linalg

          Debugging a Taichi Project

          Taichi still not supports break point debugging

          Visualize Fields

          Print a Taichi field / numpy array will truncate your results

          This method is hard to visualize -> use GUI / GGUI (normal dir / vel. dir / physics / …)

          Debug Mode

          The debug mode is off by default

          Other Problems

          Optimizing Taichi Code

          Performance Profiling

          -> Amdahl’s Law (for higher run-time cost optimization will be more valueable)



          Performance Tuning Tips

          BG: Thread hierarchy of Taichi in GPU


          The Block Local Storage (BLS)


          Block Size of an hierarchically defined field (SNode-tree):

          bls_size = 4 x 4 (x 4 Bytes) = 64 Bytes (Fast)


          Decide the size of the blocks

          ti.block_dim() before a parallel for-looop

          (default_block_dim = 256 Bytes)

          Cache Most Freq-Used Data in BLS Manually


          when a data is very important (actually in our case some neighbor will be counted as well)

          bls_size = 5 x 6 (x 4 Bytes) = 120 Bytes (the overlapped part will be cached in different bls)



          Lecture 5 Procedural Animation (21.10.26)

          Procedure Animation in Taichi


          1. Setup the canvas
          2. Put colors on the canvas
          3. Draw a basic unit
          4. Repeat the basic units (tiles / fractals)
          5. Animate the pictures
          6. Introduce some randomness (chaos)

          Demo: Basic Canvas Creation


          Add color via a for-loop

          Basic Unit

          Draw a circle

          Helper Functions

          Demo: Basic Unit with Blur


          Repeat the Basic Units: Tiles


          Repeat the Basic Units: Fractals


          Animate the Picture


          Introduce randomness (chaos)

          The Balance: Perlin noise (huge randomness but continuous in smaller scales)

          -> shadertoy.com


          Lecture 6 Ray Tracing (21.11.2)

          Basis of Ray Tracing

          Rendering Types

          Assumptions of Light Rays

          Applying Ray Tracing (Color)

          In color finding, option 1-2 usually use rasterization than RT. The classical RT is option 3 and the modern RT is actually option 4 (path tracing)

          Option 1: The Color of the Object

          For 256x128:


          Flat-looking Results

          Cannot tell the materials using their colors


          What we see = color * brightness


          Option 2: Color + Shading

          Lambertian Reflectance Model


          Brightness = cosθ


          The larger cosθ, the higher energy/area

          Results with Lambertian

          Looks like 3D, but still lack of the specular surfaces


          Phong Reflectance Model


          Brightness = (VR)α=(cos(θ))α; α is the hardness (intensity)

          For higher α the visible angle will be smaller (Left: α=2; Right: α=5, more like a pulse)

          image-20211104112114526 image-20211104112126747

          Blinn-Phong Reflectance Model


          Brightness = (NH)α=(cos(θ))α, H=V+L||V+L||, α>α is the hardness in Blinn-Phong

          Blinn-Phong Shading Model


          Results with Blinn-Phong

          Shining but floating, no glassy like


          Option 3: The Whitted-Style Ray Tracer

          -> Shadow / Mirror / Dielectric

          The Whitted-Style



          Since we have partially tranparent objects (the one with a gray shadow)

          Refraction + Reflection (Recursive)



          -> not easy to program


          Option 4: Path Tracer (Modern)

          From Previous Approaches

          Global Illumination (GI)

          With GI, diffuse surface will still scatter rays as well. Without GI, if not shined from the light source directly, it has fully dark shadow

          An “unified” model for different surfaces:

          Diffuse (Monte Carlo Method)SpecularDielectric
          Lo=1Nk=1NLi,k cos(θk)Lo=LiLo=1Nk=1NLi,k

          Monte Carlo Methdo: rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results

          All the collected weighted average color show the final color of a point

          Problem in Sampling

          Problems in Stop Criterion

          The current stop criterion

          -> Problem: Infinity loops

          Core Ideas Summary

          Further Readings


          Lecture 7 Ray Tracing 2 (21.11.9)


          Ray-casting from Camera/Eye


          Ray is a line def by its origin (O) and dir (d) (or a point it passed by)

          P=O+td ;d=PO||PO||


          Camera/Eye and Monitor



          A pixel has its size as well -> + 0.5 pixels

          Ray-object Intersection


          Sphere Intersection

          Cornell Box

          Actually formed by 4 huge spheres other than using planes (more convenient)



          Ray-plane Intersection

          Ray-object Intersection


          Want to sample the directions of rays uniformly



          Sampling the Hemisphere Uniformly

          1. Attempt one: ϕ=rand(0,2π), θ=rand(0,π), r=1 => Not uniform after mapping to the polar coord

            image-20211111101937097 image-20211111101951187

            -> Uniform?: The probability of sampling is proportional to the surface area (differential surface element: dA=r2sinθ dθdϕ)

            -> probability density function (p.d.f.) f(θ)=02πf(ϕ,θ) dϕ=sin(θ)2

          2. The corrected attempt: ϕ=rand(0,2π), θ=arccos(rand(1,1)), r=1 (inverse transform sampling) => Much more uniform

            image-20211111104749948 image-20211111104802197

          3. Negate the direction if against the normal

            Sampling a Sphere

          Reflection v.s. Refraction

          Total Reflection

          Happens when n1>n2 (e.g., from glass to air)

          Snell’s law may fail to give sin(θt)=n1n2sin(θi)>1 => fail to solve arcsin(θt) (only reflection)


          Reflection Coefficient R

          At a steep angle => Reflection Coefficient R (how much been reflected, material (n1 & n2) and view point (θ) dep)

          Refraction Coefficient T=1R

          Fresnel’s Equation

          Schlick’s Approximation

          Material and angle

          R(θi)=R0+(1R0)(1cos(θi))5 ;R0=(n1n2n1+n2)2

          Path Tracing with R


          Recursion in Taichi

          Call functions: temp var. -> storage in stack => higher pressure

          Better solution -> using loops for tail-resursion

          Optimization: Remain the fronter part of breaking loops; modify the tail-recursion part:


          Zig-zag artifacts -> softening the edges

          In this case we can use 4 times of random sampling -> anti-aliasing


          Lecture 8 Deformable Simulation 01: Spatial and Temporal Discretization (21.11.16)

          Laws of Physics

          Equation of Motion

          Integration in Time

          Equation of Motion

          Use h as the step size

          Explicit (forward) Euler Integration


          Extremely fast, but increase the system enery gradually (leads to explode) -> seldom used => Symplectic Euler Integration

          Symplectic Euler Integration

          Also very fast. Update the velocity first -> momentum preserving, oscillating system Hamiltonian (could be unstable) -> Widely used in accuracy centric applications (astronomy simulation / molecular dynamics /…)

          Implicit (backward) Euler Integration

          Often expensive. Energy declines, damping the Hamitonian from the osscillating components. Often stable for large timesteps -> Widely used in performance-centric applications (game / MR / design / animation)

          Integration in Space

          Mass-Spring System




          Compute force

          Time integration


          Cloth sim / Hair sim

          Not the best choice when sim continuum area/volume: Area/volume gets inverted without any penalty => Linear FEM

          Constitutive Models

          Deformation Map

          A continuous model to describe deformation: x=ϕ(X) at every point (Deformation map)


          Generally: For X near X: (with 1st order Taylor)



          (F - Deformation gradient, F=[x1/X1x1/X2x2/X1x2/X1])

          After approx, close to a translation in very small region: F=ϕX=I in translation; F=R in rotation; F=S in scaling

          => A non-rigid deformation gradient shall end up with a non-zero deformation energy

          Energy Density


          => Deformation gradient is NOT the best quantity to describe deformation

          Strain Tensor

          Strain tensor: ϵ(F)

          Samples in different constitutive models:

          From energy density function to energy: E(x)=ΩΨ(F) dX => Spatial Discretization

          Linear Finite Element Method (FEM)


          E=(The whole area)=(A piece of triangle)

          Linear FEM Energy

          Find deformation gradient: Original pose (Uppercase) => Current pose xi=FXi+t (share the same F and T)


          [x1x4x2x4x3x4]Ds=F[X1X4X2X4X3X4]Dm ;F=DsDm1

          Find the gradient of Ψ(F(x))

          Chain rule: (Note: B:A=A:B=i,jAijBij=tr(ATB))


          1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor for hyperelastic matrial: P=ΨF

          Some 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors:

          Linear FEM

          For Ψxj(k)=Fxj(k):P

          -> Taichi: Autodiff


          Revisit Mass-spring System


          Lecture 9 Deformable Simulation 02: The Implicit Integration Methods (21.11.23)

          The Implicit Euler Integration

          Time Step

          Sub-(time)-stepping: nsub: hsim=hdispnsub


          The smaller nsub, the larger hsim (less accurate)

          Numerical Recipes for Implicit Integrations

          The Baraff and Witkin Style Solution

          One iter of Newton’s Method, referred as semi-implicit

          Reformulating the Implicit Euler Problem

          To reduce the red part: add another step:

          Minimization / Non-linear Root-finding:

          Convex Minimization of ming(x)

          The general descent method:



          But most deformable bodies have non-convex energies: unsteady equilibrium.



          g(x) is contains 2 terms: dynamics and elastic

          1. Init guess: x=xn or x=xn+hvn

          2. While loop: while not converge:

            • Descent dir: dx=xg(x) or dx=(x2g(x))1xg(x)

              • Gradient: xg(x)=M(x(xn+hvn))+h2xE(x) (linear + non-linear) (Model dep)
              • Hessian (Matrix): x2g(x=M+h2x2E(x) (Model dep)
            • Line search: det the stepsize t

            • Update: x=x+tdx

          Definiteness-fixed Newton’s Method

          For general cases:

          in Step 2 (while), After compute gradient dir and Hessian, add another substep:



          After this definiteness-fix: (Newton’s)


          Linear Solvers

          Linear Solvers for Ax=b


          For A=LLT (Assume already p.s.d. proceeded)

          Current APIs:

          Conjugate Gradient (CG) Method


          Demo: (Python scope - control flow)

          Accelerate the CG Method


          Lecture 10 Fluid Simulation 01: The Particle-based (Lagrangian) Methods (21.11.30)

          Lagrangian Method = Particle-Based

          Incompressible Fluid Dynamics

          usually compressible for explosion / shock wave / … ; incompressible for slower dynamics

          Forces for Incompressible Fluids



          Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations

          The Navier-Stokes Equation (p=k(ρ0ρ))

          {ρDvDtma/V=ρgmg/Vpadv+μ2vdiff(Momentum Equation) v=0DρDt=ρ( v)=0 (Divergence free -- Mass conserving)

          The Spatial Derivative Operators

          Time Discretization

          Operator Splitting

          General Steps

          Separate the N-S Eqn into 2 parts and use half the timestep to solve each part (Advection-Projection)

          Time Integration

          Given xn & vn

          Integration with the Weakly Compressible (WC) Assumption

          Storing the density ρ as an individual var that advect with the vel field

          DvDt=g1ρp+v2v ; v=0 (weak compressible)


          Time Integration

          Symplectic Euler Integration: In this case step 1 and 2 can be combined since they are both explicit (no order diff)

          Spatial Discretization (Lagrangian View)

          • Previous knowledge using Lag. View: Mesh-based simulation (FEM)
          • Today: Mesh-free simulation => a simular example: marine balls

          Basic Idea

          Cont. view -> Discrete view (using particles):

          dvidt=g1ρp(xi)+ν2v(xi)ai , where ν=μρ0

          Time integration (Symplectic Euler):

          vi=vi+Δt ai & xi=xi+Δt vi

          But still need to evaluate ρ(xi), p(xi) & 2v(xi)

          Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)

          Dirac Delta

          Trivial Indentity

          The Dirac function only tends to infinity at 0 but equals to 0 otherwise. And its overall integral is 1.

          f(r)=f(r)δ(rr) drδ(r)={+, if r=00, otherwise  and δ(r) dr=1
          Widen the Dirac Delta
          f(r)f(r)W(rr,h)dr, where limh0W(r,h)=δ(r)


          W(r,h) - kernel funciton:

          e.g. W(r,h)={12h, if |r|<h0,otherwise (Error: O(h2), can be reduced by decreasing the sampling radius h)


          Finite Probes: Summation
          f(r)f(r)W(rr,h) drjVjf(rj)W(rrj,h)


          Smoother Kernel Function

          Still use the summation: f(r)jVjf(rj)W(rrj,h). But “trust” the closer probes (the orange & yellow ones) better => Smoother W function


          Use a C3 cont. spline: e.g. (The figure below shows the 1st / 2nd / 3rd order der)

          W(r,h)=σd{6(q3q2)+1 for 0q122(1q)3 for 12q10 otherwise  ;with q=1hr,σ1=43h,σ2=407πh2,σ3=8πh3


          Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)






          Par stored in every particles

          Evaluate 2D fields using the SP


          SPH Spatial Derivatives

          The operators will affect only on the kernel func (W)

          Improving Approximations for Spatial Derivatives


          Anti-symmetric Form

          Better for projection / divergence / …

          Symmetric Form

          Better for forces

          Implementation Details (WCSPH)

          Simulation Pipeline

          Boundary Conditions


          Problems of Boundaries

          Navie search: O(n2) time

          => Use background grid: Common grid size = h (same support radius in SPH)

          (Each neighbor search takes 9 grids in 2D and 27 grids in 3D)



          Lecture 11 Fluid Simulation 02: The Grid-based (Eulerian) Methods (21.12.6)

          N-S Equations and Their Time Integration

          Operator Splitting

          A toy example:

          Integrate dqdt=1+2 (for some quantity q ) => Theoretical sol: qn+1=qn+3Δt

          Operator Splitting: q~=qn+1Δt ; qn+1=q~+2Δt

          Operation Splitting for N-S Eqn

          (q can be velocity / density / temperature / …)

          DvDt=g1ρp+ν2v ; v=0{Advection:DqDt=0Add Forces:vt=g+ν2vProjection:vt=1ρp s.t.  v=0

          One Numerical Time-Stepping for N-S Eqn

          Given qn:

          Step 1: Advection: (Solve intuitive formula) => in Lag (trivial), in Euler (not trivial)



          Step 2: Applying forces: (The term of viscosity could be neglected when simulate gas; gravity can be neglected when the gas has similar density as air)


          Step 3: Projection: (Solve for pressure and ensure divergence free)


          Return vn+1, qn+1

          From the Lagrangian View to the Eulerian View

          In Eulerian grids: Need to record: grid index / velocity / density / temperature / grid size / …

          Spatial Derivatives Using Finite Difference

          Spatial derivative: The dimensions can be decoupled when computing the spatial derivatives due to the structural grid


          To compute q/x


          MAC (Marker-and-Cell) grid

          Staggered Grid



          For a row x col grid (3x3) storage:

          Staggered Grid in Stokes Theorem

          Exterior calculus



          Material Derivative

          DfDt=ft+v f ;where f=f(x,t)Total derivative w.r.t. time:  ddtf(x,t)=fx+dxdt:fx=ft+v f

          Material Derivative of Vectors

          If q is a vector q=[qx,qy,qz]T


          For velocity (self-advection)


          Quantity Advection

          In Eulerian view, quantities flow with the velocity field for DqDt=qt+vq=0


          Attempt 1: Finite Difference



          1-D Advection: Unconditionally Unstable w/. FTCS

          Attempt 2: Semi-Lagrangian

          qn+1=qn ? : qn+1(xn+1)=qn(xn)=qn(xn+1Δtvn)


          To find value of qn,xn+1Δtvn: -> Interpolation: qn+1(xn+1)=interpolate(qn,xn+1Δtvn)

          Usually use Bilinear interpolation in 2D:


          1-D Advection: Unconditionally Stable (The peak will stably move forward) => Required vnΔt<Δx


          Assuming: vnΔt<Δx: (equiv to a velocity-aware one-sided finite difference form)




          Poisson’s Equation

          Possion’s Problem

          Want to solve vt=1ρp s.t.  v=0

          Use finite difference again:

          vxi1/2,jn+1vxi1/2,jnΔt=1ρpi,jpi1,jΔxs.t. vxi+1/2,jn+1vxi1/2,jn+1Δxvxx+vi,j+1/2n+1vyi,j1/2n+1Δxvxx=0


          The condition will not be divergence free => becomes Δtρ p= vn

          Δtρ p= vnor Δtρ4pi,jpi+1,jpi1,jpi,j+1pi,j1Δx2=vi+1/2,jnvxi1/2,jn+vyi,j1/2nvyi,j1/2nΔx

          Another way to achieve Possion’s problem:

          Pressure Solve

          Boundary Conditions


          Boundary Conditions in Possion’s Problem

          To solve Ap=d (linear solvers (see Lec. 9))
