Lecturer: Dr. Yuanming Hu
Taichi Graphics Course S1 (for completion and new feature updates)
Lecturer: Dr. Tiantian Liu
Some supplement contents about Taichi
If overlapping contents: just add on the original GAMES201 notes. The new contents: add at the last of the notes individually.
- Exporting Results (Lecture 2)
- OOP and Metaprogramming (Lecture 3)
- Diff. Programming (Lecture 3)
- Visualization (Lecture 3)
Keyword: Discretization / Efficient solvers / Productivity / Performance / Hardware architecture / Data structures / Parallelization / Differentiability (DiffTaichi)
Required every time using taichi
Use ti.init
, for spec. cpu or gpu: use ti.cpu
(default) or ti.gpu
ti.init(arch=ti.cuda) # spec run in any hardware
signed integers ti.i8
(~ 64, default i32
) / unsigned integers ti.u8
(~64) / float-point numbers ti.f32
(default) (~ 64)
The default can be changed via ti.init
Switch to high percision automatically
Implicit casts: Static types within the Taichi Scope
def foo(): # Directly inside Python scope
a = 1
a = 2.7 # Python can re-def types automatically
print(a) # 2.7
kernel # Inside Taichi scope .
def foo():
a = 1 # already def as a int type
a = 2.7 # re-def failed (in Taichi)
print(a) # 2
Explicit casts: variable = ti.casts(variable, type)
kernel .
def foo():
a = 1.8
b = ti.cast(a, ti.i32) # switch to int; b = 1
c = ti.cast(b, ti.f32) # switch to floating; c = 1.0
Multi-dimensional arrays(高维数组)
Self-defines: Use ti.types
to create compound types including vector / matrix / struct
ximport taichi as ti
ti.init(arch = ti.cpu)
# Define your own types of data
vec3f = ti.types.vector(3, ti.f32) # 3-dim
mat2f = ti.types.matrix(2, 2, ti.f32) # 2x2
ray = ti.types.struct(ro = vec3f, rd = vec3f, l = ti.f32)
kernel .
def foo():
a = vec3f(0.0)
print(a) # [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
d = vec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
print(d) # [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
B = mat2f([[1.5, 1.4], [1.3, 1.2]])
print("B = ", B) # B = [[1.5, 1.4], [1.3, 1.2]]
r = ray(ro = a, rd = d, l = 1)
print(" = ", # = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
print("r.rd = ", r.rd) # r.rd = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
Pre-defines: An element of the tensors can be either a scalar (var
), a vector (ti.Vector
) or a matrix (ti.Matrix
) (ti.Struct
Accessed via a[i, j, k]
syntax (no pointers)
import taichi as ti
a = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=(42, 63)) # A tensor of 42x63 scalars
b = ti.Vector(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=4) # A tensor of 4x 3D vectors (3 - elements in the vector, shape - shape of the tensor, composed by 4 3D vectors)
C = ti.Matrix(2, 2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(3, 5)) # A tensor of 3x5 2x2 matrices
loss = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=()) # A 0-D tensor of a single scalar (1 element)
a[3, 4] = 1
print('a[3, 4] = ', a[3, 4]) # a[3, 4] = 1.000000
b[2] = [6, 7, 8]
print('b[0] =', b[0][0], b[0][1], b[0][2]) # b[0] not yet supported (working)
loss[None] = 3
print(loss[None]) # 3
: A global N-d array of elements
heat_field = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(256, 256))
global: a field can be read / written from both Taichi scope and Python scope
N-d: Scalar (N = 0); Vector (N = 1); Matrix (N = 2); Tensor (N = 3, 4, 5, …)
elements: scalar, vector, matrix, struct
access elements in a field using [i, j, k, …] indexing
import taichi as ti
pixels = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(16, 8))
pixels[1,2] = 42.0 # index the (1,2) pixel on the screen
import taichi as ti
vf = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=4) # 4x1 vectors, every vector is 3x1
kernel .
def foo():
v = ti.Vector([1, 2, 3])
vf[0] = v
Special Case: access a 0-D field using [None]
zero_d_scalar = ti.field(ti.f32, shape=())
zero_d_scalar[None] = 1.5 # Scalar in the scalar field
zero_d_vector = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, shape=())
zero_d_vector[None] = ti.Vector([2.5, 2.6])
Other Examples:
3D gravitational field in a 256x256x128 room
gravitational_field = ti.Vector.field(n=3, dtype=ti.f32, shape=(256, 256, 128))
2D strain-tensor field in a 64x64 grid
strain_tensor_field = ti.Matrix.field(n = 2, m = 2, dtype = ti.f32, shape = (64, 64))
a global scalar that want to access in a taichi kernel
global_scalar = ti.field(dtype = ti.f32, shape=())
Must be decorated with @ti.kernel
(Compiled, statically-typed, lexically-scoped, parallel and differentiable - faster)
For loops at the outermost scope in a Taichi kernel is automatically parallelized (if inside - serial)
If a outermost scope is not wanted to parallelize for and an inside scope is, write the unwanted one in the python scope and call the other one as the outermost in the kernel.
At most 8 parameters
Pass from Python scope to the Taichi scope
Must be type-hinted
kernel .
def my_kernel(x: ti.i32, y: ti.f32): # explicit input variables with types
print(x + y)
my_kernel(2, 3.3) # 5.3
Scalar only (if vector needs to input separately)
Pass by value
Actually copied from the var. in the Python scope and if the values of some var. x
is modified in the Taichi kernel, it won’t change in the Python scope.
May or may not return
Returns one single scalar value only
Must be type-hinted
kernel .
def my_kernel() -> ti.i32: # returns i32
return 233.666
print(my_kernel()) # 233 (casted to int32)
Decorated with @ti.func
, usually for high freq. used func.
Taichi's function can be called in taichi's kernel but can't be called by python (not global)
Function 可以被 kernel 调用但不能被 py 调用,kernel 也不能调用 kernel,但是 function可以调用 function
Don’t need to be type-hinted
Pass by value (for the force-inlined @ti.func
if want to pass outside, use return
Similar to python. But Taichi also support chaining comparisons (a < b <= c != d
Specifically, a / b
outputs floating point numbers, a // b
ouputs integer number (as in py3)
is for small matrices only. For large matrices, 2D tensor of scalars should be considered.
Note that element-wise product in taichi is *
and mathematically defined matrix product is @
(like MATLAB)
Common Operations:(返回矩阵 A 经过变换的结果而非变换 A 本身)
A.transpose() # 转置
A.inverse() # 逆矩阵
A.trace() # 迹
A.normalized() # 向量除以自己模长
A.norm() # 返回向量长度
A.cast(type) # 转换为其他数据类型
ti.sin(A)/cos(A) # element wise(给 A 中所有元素都做 sin 或者 cos 运算)
(Automatically parallalized)
Same as python for loops
Iterates over (sparse) tensor elements. Only lives at the outermost scope looping over a ti.field
for i,j in x:
can be used
import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch=ti.gpu) # initiallize every time
n = 320
pixels = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=(n*2, n)) # every element in this tensor is 32 bit float point number,shape 640x320
kernel .
def paint(t: ti.f32):
for i, j in pixels: # parallized over all pixel
pixels[i, j] = i * 0.001 + j * 0.002 + t
# This struct-for loops iterate over all tensor coordinates. i.e. (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), ..., (0,319), (1,0), ..., (639,319)
# Loop for all elements in the tensor
# For this dense tensor, every element is active. But for sparse tensor, struct-for loop will only work for active elements
is NOT supported in the parallel for-loopsIn Taichi, augmented assignments (e.g. x[i] += 1) are automatically atomic.
(+=: the value on the RHS is directly summed on the current value of the var. and the referncing var.(array))
(Atomic operation: an operation that will always be executed without any other process being able to read or change state that is read or changed during the operation. It is effectively executed as a single step, and is an important quality in a number of algorithms that deal with multiple independent processes, both in synchronization and algorithms that update shared data without requiring synchronization.)
When modifying global var. in parallel, make sure to use atomic operations.
kernel .
def sum(): # to sum up all elements in x
for i in x:
# Approach 1: OK
total[None] += x[i] # total: 0-D tensor => total[None]
# Approach 2: OK
ti.atomic_add(total[None], x[i]) # will return value before the atomic addition
# Approach 3: Wrong Result (Not atomic)
total[None] = total[None] + x[i] # other thread may have summed
Taichi-scope: Everything decorated with ti.kernel
and ti.func
Code in Taichi-scope will be compiled by the Taichi compiler and run on parallel devices (Attention that in parallel devices the order of print
may not be guaranteed)
Static data type in the Taichi scope
The type won’t change even if actually defines some other values / fields (error)
Static lexical scope in the Taichi scope
kernel .
def err_out_of_scope(x:float):
if x < 0: # abs value of x
y = -x
y = x
print(y) # y generated in the 'if' and not pass outside, error occurs
Compiled JIT (just in time) (cannot see Python scope var. at run time)
a = 42
kernel .
def print_a():
print('a = ', a)
print_a() # 'a = 42'
a = 53
print('a = ', a) # 'a = 53'
print_a() # still 'a = 42'
Another demo:
d = 1
kernel .
def foo():
print('d in Taichi scope = ', d)
d += 1 # d = 2
foo() # d in Taichi scope = 2 (but after this call, ti kernel will regard d as a constant)
d += 1 # d = 3
foo() # d in Taichi scope = 2 (d not changed in Ti-scope but changed in Py-scope)
If want real global: use ti.field
a = ti.field(ti.i32, shape=())
kernel .
def print_a():
print('a=', a[None])
a[None] = 42
print_a() # "a= 42"
a[None] = 53
print_a() # "a= 53"
Python-scope: Code outside the Taichi-scope
Code in Python-scope is simple py code and will be executed by the py interpreter
Initialization: ti.init()
Tensor allocation: ti.var
, ti.Vector
, ti.Matrix
Only define tensors in this allocation phase and never define in the computation phase
Computation (launch kernel, access tensors in Py-scope)
Optional: Restart (clear memory, destory var. and kernels): ti.reset()
import taichi as ti
n = 320
pixels = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=(n * 2, n))
func .
def complex_sqr(z):
return ti.Vector([z[0]**2 - z[1]**2, z[1] * z[0] * 2]) # calculate the square of a complex number
# In this example, use a list and put in [] to give values for ti.Vector
kernel .
def paint(t: ti.f32): # time t - float point 32 bit
for i, j in pixels: # parallized over all pixels
c = ti.Vector([-0.8, ti.cos(t) * 0.2])
z = ti.Vector([i / n - 1, j / n - 0.5]) * 2 # Julia set formula
iterations = 0 # iterate for all pixels
while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
z = complex_sqr(z) + c # user-defined in @ti.func
iterations += 1
pixels[i, j] = 1 - iterations * 0.02
gui = ti.GUI("Julia Set", res = (n*2, n)) # ti's gui
for i in range(1000000):
paint(i * 0.03)
Sensors that move passively with the simulated material(节点跟随介质移动)
Still sensors that never moves(穿过的介质的速度)
弹簧 - 质点模型 (Cloth / Elastic objects / ...)
(f - force, k - Spring stifness, Li,j - Spring rest length between particle i and j, ^ - normalization,
Forward Euler (explict)
Semi-implicit Euler (aka. Symplectic Euler, Explicit)
Backward Euler (often with Newton's Method, Implicit)
Full implement see later
Explicit: (forward Euler / symplectic Euler / RK (2, 3, 4) / ...)
Future depends only on past, easy to implement, easy to explode, bad for stiff materials
~ 数值稳定性,不会衰减而是随时间指数增长
Implicit (back Euler / middle-point)
Future depends on both future and past, harder to implement, need to solve a syustem of (linear) equation, hard to optimize, time steps become more expensive but time steps are larger, extra numerical damping and locking (overdamping) (but generally, uncoonditionally stable)
(显式 - 容易实现,数值上较为不稳定,受 dt 步长影响较大;隐式 - 难实现,允许较长步长)
import taichi as ti
max_num_particles = 256
dt = 1e-3
num_particles = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=())
spring_stiffness = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=())
paused = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=())
damping = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=())
particle_mass = 1
bottom_y = 0.05
x = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
v = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
A = ti.Matrix(2, 2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
b = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
# rest_length[i, j] = 0 means i and j are not connected
rest_length = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
connection_radius = 0.15
gravity = [0, -9.8]
kernel .
def substep(): # 每一个新的时间步,把每一帧分为若干步(在模拟中 time_step 需要取相应较小的数值)
# Compute force and new velocity
n = num_particles[None]
for i in range(n): # 枚举全部 i
v[i] *= ti.exp(-dt * damping[None]) # damping
total_force = ti.Vector(gravity) * particle_mass # 总受力 G = mg
for j in range(n): # 枚举其余所有粒子 是否有关系
if rest_length[i, j] != 0: # 两粒子之间有弹簧?
x_ij = x[i] - x[j]
total_force += -spring_stiffness[None] * (x_ij.norm() - rest_length[i, j]) * x_ij.normalized()
# 胡克定律公式 -k * ((xi - xj).norm - rest_length) * (xi - xj).norm
v[i] += dt * total_force / particle_mass # sympletic euler: 用力更新一次速度
# Collide with ground (计算完力和速度之后立刻与地面进行一次碰撞)
for i in range(n):
if x[i].y < bottom_y: # 一旦发现有陷入地下的趋势就把速度的 y component 设置为 0
x[i].y = bottom_y
v[i].y = 0
# Compute new position
for i in range(num_particles[None]):
x[i] += v[i] * dt # 新的位置的更新:把速度产生的位移累加到位置上去
kernel .
def new_particle(pos_x: ti.f32, pos_y: ti.f32): # Taichi doesn't support using Matrices as kernel arguments yet
new_particle_id = num_particles[None]
x[new_particle_id] = [pos_x, pos_y]
v[new_particle_id] = [0, 0]
num_particles[None] += 1
# Connect with existing particles
for i in range(new_particle_id):
dist = (x[new_particle_id] - x[i]).norm()
if dist < connection_radius:
rest_length[i, new_particle_id] = 0.1
rest_length[new_particle_id, i] = 0.1
gui = ti.GUI('Mass Spring System', res=(512, 512), background_color=0xdddddd)
spring_stiffness[None] = 10000
damping[None] = 20
new_particle(0.3, 0.3)
new_particle(0.3, 0.4)
new_particle(0.4, 0.4)
while True:
for e in gui.get_events(ti.GUI.PRESS):
if e.key in [ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT]:
elif e.key == gui.SPACE:
paused[None] = not paused[None]
elif e.key == ti.GUI.LMB:
new_particle(e.pos[0], e.pos[1])
elif e.key == 'c':
num_particles[None] = 0
elif e.key == 's':
if gui.is_pressed('Shift'):
spring_stiffness[None] /= 1.1
spring_stiffness[None] *= 1.1
elif e.key == 'd':
if gui.is_pressed('Shift'):
damping[None] /= 1.1
damping[None] *= 1.1
if not paused[None]:
for step in range(10):
X = x.to_numpy()
gui.circles(X[:num_particles[None]], color=0xffaa77, radius=5)
gui.line(begin=(0.0, bottom_y), end=(1.0, bottom_y), color=0x0, radius=1)
for i in range(num_particles[None]):
for j in range(i + 1, num_particles[None]):
if rest_length[i, j] != 0:
gui.line(begin=X[i], end=X[j], radius=2, color=0x445566)
gui.text(content=f'C: clear all; Space: pause', pos=(0, 0.95), color=0x0)
gui.text(content=f'S: Spring stiffness {spring_stiffness[None]:.1f}', pos=(0, 0.9), color=0x0)
gui.text(content=f'D: damping {damping[None]:.2f}', pos=(0, 0.85), color=0x0)
Solving the system:
import taichi as ti
import random
n = 20
A = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=(n, n)) # 20 x 20 Matrix
x = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=n)
new_x = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=n)
b = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=n)
kernel # iteration kernel .
def iterate():
for i in range(n):
r = b[i]
for j in range(n):
if i != j:
r -= A[i, j] * x[j]
new_x[i] = r / A[i, i] # 每次都更新 x 使得 x 能满足矩阵一行或一个的线性方程组(局部更新)- 对性质好的矩阵逐渐收敛
for i in range(n):
x[i] = new_x[i]
kernel # Compute residual b - A * x .
def residual() -> ti.f32: # residual 一开始会非常大 经过若干次迭代会降到非常低
res = 0.0
for i in range(n):
r = b[i] * 1.0
for j in range(n):
r -= A[i, j] * x[j]
res += r * r
return res
for i in range(n): # 初始化矩阵
for j in range(n):
A[i, j] = random.random() - 0.5
A[i, i] += n * 0.1
b[i] = random.random() * 100
for i in range(100): # 执行迭代
print(f'iter {i}, residual={residual():0.10f}')
for i in range(n):
lhs = 0.0
for j in range(n):
lhs += A[i, j] * x[j]
assert abs(lhs - b[i]) < 1e-4
For millions of mass points and springs
Use particles carrying samples of physical quntities, and a kernel
在 x 这点的物理场的值(即
不需要 mesh,适合模拟自由表面 free-surface flows 流体(如水和空气接触的表面,反之,不适合烟雾(空间需要被填满)等),可以使用 “每个粒子就是以小包水” 理解
aka. Weakly Compressible SPH (WCSPH)
Momentum Equation (
(Actually the Navier-Stoke's without considering viscosity)
Not really accurate but at least symmetric and momentum conserving (to add viscosity etc. Laplacian should be introduced)
For each particle
For each particle
Symplectic Euler steps (similar as the mass-spring model)
ti eample pbf2d
) - Position-based dynamics + SPHPaper: SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics, Smooted Particle Hydrodynamics Techniques for Physics Based Simulation of Fluids and Solids (2019)
One upper bound of time step size: (def. using velocity other than stiffness)
Application: estimating allowed time step in (explicit) time integration.
SPH: ~ 0.4; MPM (Material Point Method): 0.3 ~ 1; FLIP fluid (smoke): 1 ~ 5+
Build spatial data structure such as voxel grids
Neighborhood search with hashing
Ref: Compact hashing
Exporting Videos
: save screenshots / ti.imwrite(img, filename)
ti video
: creates video.mp4
(-f 24
/ -f 60
)ti gif -i input.mp4
: Convert mp4
to gif
弹性、有限元基础、Taichi 高级特性
Deformation Map
Deformation gradient
Deform / rest volume ratio: F[None] = [[2, 0], [0, 1]]
Hyperelastic material: Stress-strain relationship is defined by a strain energy density function
Lame parameters
Conversions:(通常指定 Young’s Modulus & Poisson’s Ratio,或
Popular in graphics:
Linear elasticity (small deformation only, not consistence in rotation) - linear equation systems
Neo-Hookean: (Commonly used in isotropic materials)
(Fixed) Corotated:
Discretization sheme to build discrete equations using weak formulations of continuous PDEs
Assumption: The deformation map
For every element
Semi-implicit Euler time integration scheme:
Taichi’s AutoDiff system can use to compute
for s in range(30):
with ti.Tape(total_energy): # Automatically diff. and write into a 'tape' and use in semi-implicit Euler
Backward Euler Time Integration:
Compute force differentials:
OOP -> Extensibility / Maintainability
An “object” contains its own data (py-var. / ti.field
) and method (py-func. / @ti.func
/ @ti.kernel
class Wheel: # def a class of 'wheel'
def __init__(self, radius, width, rolling_fric): # data, for a wheel: radius / width / fric
self.radius = radius # convert all data as `self.` (inside member of 'self')
self.width = width
self.rolling_fric = rolling_fric
def Roll(self): # Method of the 'wheel'
w1 = Wheel(5, 1, 0.1) # Instantiated Objects (different wheels)
w2 = Wheel(5, 1, 0.1)
w3 = Wheel(6, 1.2, 0.15)
w4 = Wheel(6, 1.2, 0.15)
If want to add some features, this method can inherit all past features and add on them (easy to maintain and extent)
Hybrid scheme: Objective Data-Oriented Programming (ODOP)
-> More data-oriented -> usually use more vectors / matrices in the class
Important Decorators:
to decorate class
to decorate class members functions that are Taichi kernels@ti.func
to decorate class members functions that are Taichi functionsCaution: if the variable is passed from Python scope, the
will still regard as a constant
scripts and can be called using from [filename] import [classname]
in the main
script.Demo: ti example odop_solar
import taichi as ti
data_oriented .
class SolarSystem:
def __init__(self, n, dt): # n - planet number; dt - time step size
self.n = n
self.dt = dt
self.x = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=n)
self.v = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=n) = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=())
# @ti.func 还可以被额外的 @staticmethod(静态函数,同 py)修饰
func # 生成一个随机数 .
def random_around(center, radius): # random number in [center - radius, center + radius]
return center + radius * (ti.random() - 0.5) * 2
kernel .
def initialize(self): # initialize all the tensors
for i in range (self.n):
offset = ti.Vector([0.0, self.random_around(0.3, 0.15)])
self.x[i] =[None] + offset
self.v[i] = [-offset[1], offset[0]]
self.v[i] *= 1.5 / offset.norm()
func # still in class .
def gravity(self, pos):
offset = -(pos -[None])
return offset / offset.norm()**3
kernel # sympletic Euler .
def integrate(self):
for i in range(self.n):
self.v[i] += self.dt * self.gravity(self.x[i])
self.x[i] += self.dt * self.v[i]
solar = SolarSystem(9, 0.0005) # 9 for n (planet number); 0.0005 for dt[None] = [0.5, 0.5]
gui = ti.GUI("Solar System", background_color = 0x25A6D9)
while True:
if gui.get_event():
if gui.event.key == gui.SPACE and gui.event.type == gui.PRESS:
for i in range(10):
solar.integrate()[0.5, 0.5], radius = 20, color = 0x8C274C)
gui.circles(solar.x.to_numpy(), radius = 5, color = 0xFFFFFF)
Allow to pass almost anything (including tensors) to Taichi kernels; Improve run-time performance by moving run-time costs to compile time; Achieve dimensionality independence (2D / 3D simulation codes simultaneously); etc. 很多计算可以在编译时间完成而非运行时间完成 (kernels are lazily instantiated)
Metaprogramming -> Reusability:
Programming technique to generate other programs as the program’s data
In Taichi the “Codes to write” section is actually ti.templates
and ti.statics
Allow to pass anything supported by Taichi (if directly pass something like a = [43, 3.14]
(python list) -> error; need to modify as Taichi’s types a = ti.Vector([43, 3.14])
, ti.i32
, ti.f64
, ti.Matrix()
, ti.Vector.field()
, ti.Matrix.field()
, ti.Struct.field()
Taichi kernels are instantiated whenever seeing a new parameter (even same typed)
frequently used of templates will cause higher time costs
kernel .
# when calling this kernel, pass these 2 1D tensors (x, y) into template arguments (better to have same magnitude)
def copy(x: ti.template(), y: ti.template(), c: ti.f32): # template => to deliver fields
for i in x:
y[i] = x[i] + c # OK if the shape is the same (regardless the size)
vec = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])
kernel .
def my_kernel(x: ti.template()):
# x[0] = 2.0 is bad assignment, x is in py-scope (cannot modify a python-scope data in ti-scope)
vec2 = x
vec2[0] = 2.0 # modify succeed, inside the ti-scope
print(vec2) # [2.0, 0.0]
The template initialization process could cause high overhead
import taichi as ti
kernel # use template in this first kernel "hello" .
def hello(i: ti.template()):
for i in range(100):
hello(i) # 100 different kernels will be created (if repeat this part, these 100 kernels will be reused)
kernel # use int.32 argument for i in this second kernel "world" .
def world(i: ti.i32):
for i in range(100):
world(i) # The only instance will be reused (better in compiling)
kernel .
def copy(x: ti.template(), y: ti.template()):
for I in ti.grouped(y): # packing all y's index (I - n-D tensor)
# I is a vector with dimensionality same to y
# If y is 0D, then I = ti.Vector([]), which is equivalent to `None` used in x[I]
# If y is 1D, then I = ti.Vector([i])
# If y is 2D, then I = ti.Vector([i, j])
# If y is 3D, then I = ti.Vector([i, j, k])
# ...
x[I] = y[I] # work for different dimension tensor
kernel .
def array_op(x: ti.template(), y: ti.template()):
for I in ti.grouped(x):
# I is a vector of size x.dim() and data type i32
y[I] = I[0] + I[1] # = (i + j)
# If tensor x is 2D, the above is equivalent to
for i, j in x:
y[i, j] = i + j
Fetch tensor dimensionlity info as compile time constants:
import taichi as ti
tensor = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (4, 8, 16, 32, 64))
kernel .
def print_tensor_size(x: ti.template()):
for i in ti.static(range(x.dim())):
print_tensor_size(tensor) # check tensor size
Using compile-time evaluation will allow certain computations to happen when kernel are being instantiated. Saves the overhead of the computations at runtime (C++17: if constexpr
enable_projection = True
kernel .
def static(): # branching process in compiler (No runtime overhead)
if ti.static(enable_projection): # (in this "if" branching condition)
x[0] = 1
Use ti.static(range(...))
: Unroll the loops at compile time(强制循环展开)
Reduce the loop overhead itself; loop over vector / matrix elements (in Taichi matrices must be compile-time constants)
import taichi as ti
x = ti.Vector(3, dt=ti.i32, shape=16)
kernel .
def fill():
for i in x:
for j in ti.static(range(3)):
x[i][j] = j
Creating handy aliases for global var. and func. w/ cumbersome names to improve readability
kernel .
def my_kernel():
for i, j in tensor_a: # 把 tensor a 的所有下标取出
tensor b[i, j] = some_function(tensor_a[i, j]) # apply some func on all index in tensor a into tensor b
kernel .
def my_kernel():
a, b, fun = ti.static(tensor_a, tensor_b, some_function) # Variable aliasing (must use ti.static)
for i, j in a:
b[i, j] = fun(a[i, j]) # use aliasing to replace the long names
Data generated data (usually used to check whether the shape / size is the same or not for copy)
: type of a fieldfield.shape
: shape of a fieldxxxxxxxxxx
import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch = ti.cpu, debug = True)
kernel .
def copy(src: ti.template(), dst: ti.template()):
assert src.shape == dst.shape # only executed when `debug = True`
for i in dst:
dst[i] = src[i]
a = ti.field(ti.f32, 4)
b = ti.field(ti.f32, 100)
copy(a, b)
Matrix / Vector:
: rows of a matmatrix.m
: cols of a mat / vecxxxxxxxxxx
kernel .
def foo():
matrix = ti.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
print(matrix.n) # 3
print(matrix.m) # 2
vector = ti.Vector([7, 8, 9])
print(vector.n) # 3
print(vector.m) # 1
Forward programs evaluate
Taichi supports reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AutoDiff) that back-propagates gradients w.r.t. a scalar (loss) function
) for both foward and gradient evaluationAllocating tensors with gradients (对 x 的导数 即为 x)
x = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=n, needs_grad=True) # needs_grad=True: compute gradients
Defining loss function kernel(s):
kernel .
def reduce():
for i in range(n):
L[None] += 0.5 * (x[i] - y[i]) ** 2 # compute the cummulative L(x) provided (+= atomic)
Compute loss with ti.Tape(loss = L): reduce()
Gradient descent: for i in x: x[i] -= x.grad[i] * 0.1
(backward, auto)
Results: Loss exp. decreases to near 0
(also use for gradient descend method for fixing curves, FEM and MPM (with bg. grids to deal with self collision))
potential = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=())
, call the forward kernels-x.grad[i]
(Demo: ti example mpm_lagrangian_forces
Use AutoDiff for the whole physical process derivative
Not used for basic differentiation but optimization for initial conditions(初始状态的优化 / 反向模拟)/ controller
Need to record all tensors in the whole timestep in ti.Tape()
~ Requires high memory (for 1D tensor needs to use 2D Tape)
~ Use checkpointing to reduce memory consumption
Random order
Due to the parallel computations in @ti.kernel
especially using GPU, the computations will be randomly done. If print in the for-loop in Taichi kernel, the results may be random.
The print()
in GPU is not likely to show until seeing ti.sync()
kernel .
def kern():
print('inside kernel')
print('before kernel') # of course the first print
kern() # this 'inside kernel' may or may not be printed between these 2 prints
print('after kernel')
ti.sync() # force sync, 'after sync' will be the last print 100%
print('after sync')
Apply Taichi’s GUI system:
Set the window: gui = ti.GUI("Taichi MLS-MPM-128", res = 512, background_color = 0x112F41)
Paint on the window: gui.set_image()
(especially for ray tracing or other…)
Elements:, radius = 1.5, color = colors.to_numpy())
, gui.triangle()
, gui.rects()
, …
Widgets: gui.button()
, gui.slider()
, gui.text()
, …
Events: gui.get_events()
, gui.get_key_event()
, gui.running()
, … (get keyboard / mouse /… actions)
Offline: Exporting 3D particles and meshes using ti.PLYWriter
(输出二进制 ply 格式)
Demo: ti example export_ply/export_mesh
Houdini / Blender could be used to open (File - Import - Geometry in Houdini)
Realtime (GPU backend only, WIP): GGUI
(still in progress)
Connection of Lagrangian and Eulerian
(Use D for material derivatives.
For example:
Usually in graphics want low viscosity (delete the viscosity part) except for high viscous materials (e.g., honey)
Split the equation (PDEs with time) into 3 parts: (
(for each time step using the splitting above)
(evenly distributed)
n, m = 3, 3
u = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n, m)) # x-comp of velocity
v = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n, m)) # y-comp of velocity
p = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n, m)) # pressure
Stored in various location (Red -
Red: 3x4; Green: 4x3; Blue: 3x3
n, m = 3, 3
u = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n+1, m)) # x-comp of velocity
v = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n, m+1)) # y-comp of velocity
p = ti.var(ti.f32, shape = (n, m)) # pressure
Different Schemes: Trade-off between numerical viscosity, stability, performance and complexity
Velocity field constant, for very short time step
func .
def semi_lagrangian(x, new_x, dt):
for I in ti.grouped(x): # loop over all subscripts in x
new_x[I] = sample_bilinear(x, backtrace(I, dt)) # backtrace means the prev. value of x at the prev. dt
# (find the position of the prev. x value in this field, and do bilinear interpolation and give to new_x)
velocity field not constant! -> Cause magnification / smaller / blur
The real trajectory of material parcels can be complex (Red: a naive estimation of last position; Light gree: the true previous position.)
(-> initial value problem for ODE, simply use the naive algorithm = forward Euler (RK1); to solve the problem can use RK2 scheme)
Forward Euler (RK1)
p -= dt * velocity(p)
Explicit Midpoint (RK2)
p_mid = p - 0.5 * dt * velocity(p)
p -= dt * velocity(p_mid)
(Blur but no become smaller, usually enough for most computations)
RK3 (weighted average of 3 points)
v1 = velocity(p)
p1 = p - 0.5 * dt * v1
v2 = velocity(p1)
p2 = p - 0.75 * dt * v2
v3 = velocity(p2)
p -= dt * (2/9 * v1 + 1/3 * v2 + 4/9 * v3)
(Result similar to RK2)
~ Blur: Usually because of the use of bilinear interpolation (numerical viscosity / diffusion) (causes energy reduction) -> BFECC
BFECC: Back and Forth Error Compensation and Correction (Good reduction of blur especially for static region boundaries)
func .
def maccormack(x, dt): # new_x = x*; new_x_aux = x**;
semi_lagrangian(x, new_x, dt) # step 1 (forward dt)
semi_lagrangian(new_x, new_x_aux, -dt) # step 2 (backward dt)
for I in ti.grounped(x):
new_x[I] = new_x[I] + 0.5 * (x[I] - new_x_aux[I]) # Error estimation (new_x = x^{final})
~ Gibbs Phenomen at boundary because of this correction: 0.5 * (x[I] - new_x_aux[I])
Idea: Introduce a clipping function
for I in ti.grounped(x):
new_x[I] = new_x[I] + 0.5 * (x[I] - new_x_aux[I]) # prev. codes
if ti.static(mc_clipping):
source_pos = backtrace(I, dt)
min_val = sample_min(x, source_pos)
max_val = sample_max(x, source_pos)
if new_x[I] < min_val or new_x[I] > max_val:
new_x[I] = sample_bilinear(x, source_pos)
To ensure the velocity field is divergence free after projection - Constant Volume (need linear solver - MGPCG)
Expand using finite difference in time (
Divergence (
): the total generation / sink of the fluid (+ for out, - for in). For actual (imcompressible) fluid flow: $\cur Curl (
): Clockwise - ; Counter clockwise -
Want: find a
Discretize on a 2D grid: (central differential, 5 points)
Linear System:
Divergency of velocity(速度的散度): Quantity of fluids flowing in / out: Flows in = Negative; Flows out = Positive
Remind: Staggered Grid: x-componenets of u - vertical boundaries; y-comp: horizontal boundaries
Dirichlet and Neumann boundaries
Direct solvers (e.g. PARDISO) - small linear system
Iterative solvers:
(Good numerical solver are usually composed of different solvers)
float A[1024][1024]
(doesn’t scale, but works for small matrices)Basic Algorithm: (energy minimization)
Convergence related to condition numbers
Condition Number
A smaller condition number causes faster convergence
Starting with an closer initial guess results in fewer interations needed
Find an approximate operator
Common Preconditioners:
Residual reduction very fast in several iterations
A. McAdams, E. Sifakis, and J. Teran (2010). “A Parallel Multigrid Poisson Solver for Fluids Simulation on Large Grids.”. In: Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 65–73.
Taichi demo: 2D/3D multigrd: ti example mgpcg_advanced
Using the view of PDE
For example: Gravitational Problem (势场满足密度的泊松方程)
If N particles in M points computaiton -> Required
2D (Using Complex number to represent in coordinate):
Consider a source and its potential:
Multipole Expansion: (every point in the cloud represeted as qj)
(来自 0 点的势作用之和 + 高阶项对于 Z 的影响(由形状))
One step further:
Problem: If we know M-Expansion at (electron cloud) Z1 (M1 = {z1, Q, Qk}), what is the M-Expansion at Z2 (M2 = {z2, Q2, Q2,k})?
Actually a M to M translation (from z1 to z2)
We want to obtain the coefficients from M1 , not qi’s
View Sources as Multipole:
Reveal “Multipole Expansion”
From “Multipoles” (every multipole - an electron) ~ M2M Transform
Compute bk with “Rest of terms”
struct Multipole{
vec2 center; // central point (in coordinate)
complex q[p]; // rest of terms (in complex)
//source charge is a special Multipole,
//with center = charge pos, q0 = qi, q1…q4 =0
Multipole M2M(std::vector<Multipole> &qlist)
Multipole res; = weightedAverageof(qlist[i].center*qlist[i].q[0]); // new center point (weighted average)
q[0] = sumof(qlist[i].q[0]); // q0 terms
for(j=0:qlist.size()) {
res.q[k] += computeBk(qlist[i]); // compute bk function
return res;
(Electrons - Multipoles and Multipole - Multipole)
For M2M Transform: Both z1 and z2 are far from Z; For M2L (Local pole ~ interpolation) Transform: z1 near Z
If we know M-Expansion at c1 (M1 = {c1, Q, Qk}), what is the polynomial at z1, so that potentials at neighbor z can be evaluated.
where H.O.T. is high order turbulence, from multipole to local pole
struct Localpole{
vec2 center;
complex b[p];
If we know L-Expansion at c1 (L1 = {c1, B}), what is the polynomial at c2, so that potentials at neighbor z around c2 can be evaluated? Honer Scheme
Lecture 0-2 is in the above notes
is dense and @ti.kernel
is optimized for field => Data Oriented => focus on data-access / decouple the ds from computations)
CPU -> wall of computations; GPU / Parallel Frame -> wall of data access (memory access)
Initiaized in ti.init()
default: packed = False
: do padding
a = ti.field(ti.i32, shape=(18,65)) # padded to (32, 128)
packed = True
: for simplicity (No padding)
1D fields:
Prefetched (every time access the memory -> slow): align the access order with the memory order
N-D fields: stored in our 1D memory: store as what it accesses
Ideal memory layout of oan N-D field (not matter line / col. / block major)
For example in C/C++:
int x[3][2]; // row-major
int y[2][3]; // col.-major (actually still 3x2)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
From shape
to ti.root
x = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape = 16)
change to:
x = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32)
ti.root.dense(ti.i, 16).place(x)
One step futher:
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
ti.root.dense(ti.i, 4).dense(ti.j, 4).place(x)
SNode: Structure node
An SNode Tree:
ti.root # the root of the SNode-tree
.dense() # a dense container decribing shape
.place(ti.field()) # a field describing cell data
A Taichi script uses dense equiv. to the above C/C++ codes
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
y = ti.field(ti.i32)
ti.root.dense(ti.i, 3).dense(ti.j, 2).place(x) # row-major
ti.root.dense(ti.j, 2).dense(ti.i, 3).place(y) # col.-major
kernel .
def foo():
for i, j in x:
do_something(x[i, j])
for i, j in y:
do_something(y[i, j])
Col: Row:
Access: struct for (the access order will altered for row and col. -majored)
Example: loop over ti.j
first (row-majored)
import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch = ti.cpu, cpu_max_num_threads=1)
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
ti.root.dense(ti.i, 3).dense(ti.j, 2).place(x)
# row-major
kernel .
def fill():
for i,j in x:
x[i, j] = i*10 + j
kernel .
def print_field():
for i,j in x:
print("x[",i,",",j,"]=",x[i,j],sep='', end=' ')
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
ti.root.dense(ti.i, 4).dense(ti.i, 4).place(x) # hierarchical 1-D
e.g. for 9-point stencil
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
ti.root.dense(ti.ij, (2,2)).dense(ti.ij, (2,2)).place(x) # Block major hierarchical layout, size = 4x4
Compare to flat layouts:
z = ti.field(ti.i32, shape = (4,4))
# row-majored flat layout; size = 4x4
struct S1 {
int x[8];
int y[8];
} S1 soa;
struct S2 {
int x;
int y;
} S2 aos[8];
Switching: ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(x,y)
-> ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(x)
+ ti.root.dense(ti.i, 8).place(y)
Dense SNode-Tree:
But the space occupation rate could be low -> use pointer (when no data in the space a pointer points -> set to 0)
Once writing an inactive cell: x[0,0] = 1
(activate the whole block the pointer points to (cont. memory))
If print => inactivate will not access and return 0
Actually ok but can be a waste of memory (pointer = 64 bit / 8 bytes). can also break cont. in space
The access / call is similar to a dense block. Cost 1-bit-per-cell extra but can skip some …
Check activation status:
ti.is_active(snode, [i, j, ...])
e.g.: ti.is_active(block1, [0]) # = True
Activate / Deactivate cells:
ti.activate/deactivate(snode, [i,j])
Deactivate a cell and its children:
Compute the index of ancestor
ti.rescale_index(snode/field, ancestor_snode, index)
e.g.: ti.rescale_index(block2, block1, [4]) # = 1
A column-majored 2x4 2D sparse field:
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
A block-majored (block size = 3) 9x1 1D sparse field:
x = ti.field(ti.i32)
Naive Taichi Implementation: hard to maintain
Sparse Matrix Solver: ti.SparseMatrixBuilder()
(Use triplet arrays to store the line / col / val)
n = 4
K = ti.SparseMatrixBuilder(n, n, max_num_triplets=100)
kernel .
def fill(A: ti.sparse_matrix_builder()):
for i in range(n):
A[i, i] += 1
Fill the builder with the matrices’ data:
print(">>>> K.print_triplets()")
# outputs:
# >>>> K.print_triplets()
# n=4, m=4, num_triplets=4 (max=100)(0, 0) val=1.0(1, 1) val=1.0(1, 2) val=1.0(3, 3) val=1.0
Create sparse matrices from the builder
A =
print(">>>> A =")
# outputs:
# >>>> A =
# [1, 0, 0, 0]
# [0, 1, 0, 0]
# [0, 0, 1, 0]
# [0, 0, 0, 1]
A + B
A - B
c * A
or A * c
A * B
A @ B
A @ b
A[i, j]
# factorize
solver = ti.SparseSolver(solver_type="LLT") # def.: LL (Lower Tri.) Transpose (2); also could be "LDLT" / "LU"
solver.analyze_pattern(A) # pre-factorize
solver.factorize(A) # factorization
# solve
x = solver.solve(b) # (numpy) array
# check stats
# if not, could be the factorization error (symmetric? ..)
isSuccessful =
print(">>>> Solve sparse linear systems Ax = b with solution x")
print(f">>>> Computation was successful?: {isSuccessful}")
Given the amount of heads and legs to compute the amount of chicken and rabbit
If the problem is solved intuitively as a linear system
-> Use x = solver.solve(b)
Finite Differential Method with FTCS Scheme
Spatially discretized:
Temporally discretized: (explicit)
kernel .
def diffuse(dt: ti.f32):
c = dt * k / dx**2
for i,j in t_n:
t_np1[i,j] = t_n[i,j]
if i-1 >= 0:
t_np1[i, j] += c * (t_n[i-1, j] - t_n[i, j])
if i+1 < n:
t_np1[i, j] += c * (t_n[i+1, j] - t_n[i, j])
if j-1 >= 0:
t_np1[i, j] += c * (t_n[i, j-1] - t_n[i, j])
if j+1 < n:
t_np1[i, j] += c * (t_n[i, j+1] - t_n[i, j])
Matrix Representation: (Explicit)
The temperature transfer function can be easier to express:
def diffuse(dt: ti.f32):
c = dt * k / dx**2
IpcD = I + c*D
# t_np1 = t_n + c*D*t_n
kernel .
def fillDiffusionMatrixBuilder(A:
for i,j in ti.ndrange(n, n):
count = 0
if i-1 >= 0:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i-1,j)] += 1
count += 1
if i+1 < n:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i+1,j)] += 1
count += 1
if j-1 >= 0:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j-1)] += 1
count += 1
if j+1 < n:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j+1)] += 1
count += 1
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j)] += -count
Matrix Representation: (Implicit)
def diffuse(dt: ti.f32):
c = dt * k / dx**2
ImcD = I - c*D
# linear solve: factorize
solver = ti.SparseSolver(solver_type="LLT")
# linear solve: solve
# t_np1 = t_n + c*D*t_np1
kernel .
def fillDiffusionMatrixBuilder(A:
for i,j in ti.ndrange(n, n):
count = 0
if i-1 >= 0:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i-1,j)] += 1
count += 1
if i+1 < n:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i+1,j)] += 1
count += 1
if j-1 >= 0:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j-1)] += 1
count += 1
if j+1 < n:
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j+1)] += 1
count += 1
A[ind(i,j), ind(i,j)] += -count
Sparse Matrix related features to ti.linalg
-> ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder
-> ti.linalg.SparseSolver
-> ti.linalg.sparse_matrix_builder()
Taichi still not supports break point debugging
Use run-time print in the taichi scope to check every part
The print order will not be in sequence unless ti.sync
is used to sync the program threads
Print requires a system call. It can dramatically decrease the performance
Comma-separated parameters in the Taichi scope not supported
kernel .
def foo():
print('a[0] = ', a[0]) # right
print(f'a[0] = {a[0]}') # wrong, f-string is not supported
print("a[0] = %f" % a[0]) # wrong, formatted string is not supported
Compile-time Print: ti.static_print
less performance loss (only at compile time)
Print python-scope objects and constants in Taichi scope
x = ti.field(ti.f32, (2, 3))
y = 1
A = ti.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
kernel .
def inside_taichi_scope():
# => 1
# => (2, 3)
# => 3
for i in range(4):
# => 2
# will only print once
Print a Taichi field / numpy array will truncate your results
x = ti.field(ti.f32, (256, 256))
kernel .
def foo():
for i,j in x:
x[i,j] = (i+j)/512.0
# print(x) # ok to print but not complete version (neglected mid elements)
print(x.to_numpy().tolist()) # turn the field into a list and print the full version
This method is hard to visualize -> use GUI / GGUI (normal dir / vel. dir / physics / …)
gui = ti.GUI("Debug", (256, 256))
while gui.running:
The debug mode is off by default
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, debug=True)
for example: if x = ti.field(ti.f32, shape = 4)
and the field has not been def. and use print(x[4])
x[4] = 0.0
(actually not defined yet. Not safe to use)Run-time Assertion
When debug mode is on, an assertion failure triggers a RuntimeError
kernel .
def do_sqrt_all():
for i in x:
assert x[i] >= 0 # test if larger than 0, if not show RuntimeError
x[i] = ti.sqrt(x[i])
But the assertion will be ignored in release mode. Real computing should not be in the assertion.
line xx, in <module> func0()
=> cannot trace to with function but only to the kernel (not good)Compile-time Assertion: ti.static_assert(cond, msg=None)
func .
def copy(dst: ti.template(), src: ti.template()):
ti.static_assert(dst.shape == src.shape, "copy() needs src and dst fields to be same shape")
for I in ti.grouped(src):
dst[I] = src[I]
return x % 2 == 1
Traceback: can trace which function is actually error
=> excepthook=True
(at initilization): Pretty mode (stack traceback)
Turn of Optimizations from Taichi
Turn off parallelization:
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, cpu_max_num_threads=1)
Turn off advanced optimization
Keep the Code Executable
Check the code everytime when finish a building block. Keep the entire codebase executable.
Data Race
x += ()
other than normal x = x + ()
to apply atomic protectiony[i] += x[i-1]
because don’t know whether the neighbor had been updated or notCalling Python functions from Taichi scope
This triggers an undefined behaviour
Including functions from other imported python packages (numpy, for example) also cause this problem
def foo():
kernel .
def bar():
foo() # not from the Taichi scope => problem
Copying 2 var in the Python Scope
b = a
: for fields this behaviour could result in pointer points to a
other than real copy (if change b, a will also be changed)
=> b.copy_from(a)
The Data Types in Taichi should be Static
for example, in a loop, def. sum = 0
at first makes the sum
an integer => precision loss
The Data in Taichi Have a Static Lexical Scope
kernel .
def foo():
i = 20 # this is not useful even in Python scope (not recommended)
for i in range(10): # Error
print (i)
Multiple Returns in a Single @ti.func
not Supported
func .
def abs(x):
if x >= 0: # res = x
return x # if x < 0: res = -x (Correct) => return res
return -x # NOT SUPPORTED
Data Access Using Slices not Supported
M = ti.Matrix(4, 4)
M_sub = M[1:2, 1:2] # NOT SUPPORTED
M_sub = M[(1,2), (1,2)] # NOT SUPPORTED
-> Amdahl’s Law (for higher run-time cost optimization will be more valueable)
ti.init(kernel_profiler=True, arch=ti.gpu)
(At last)ti.clear_kernel_profile_info()
(Useful for neglecting the runtime costs before the real-wanted loop)Demo
Kernel Profiler(count) @ CUDA
[ % total count | min avg max ] Kernel name
[ 82.20% 0.002 s 17x | 0.090 0.105 0.113 ms] computeForce_c38_0_kernel_8_range_for [<- COSTS MOST]
[ 3.90% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.005 0.013 ms] matrix_to_ext_arr_c14_1_kernel_12_range_for
[ 3.17% 0.000 s 17x | 0.003 0.004 0.004 ms] computeForce_c34_0_kernel_5_range_for
[ 2.17% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms] matrix_to_ext_arr_c14_0_kernel_11_range_for
[ 2.16% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms] update_c36_0_kernel_9_range_for
[ 2.09% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms] computeForce_c34_0_kernel_6_range_for
[ 2.05% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.003 0.003 ms] update_c36_1_kernel_10_range_for
[ 1.98% 0.000 s 17x | 0.002 0.003 0.003 ms] computeForce_c38_0_kernel_7_range_for
[ 0.28% 0.000 s 2x | 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms] jit_evaluator_2_kernel_4_serial
[100.00%] Total execution time: 0.002 s number of results: 9
a = ti.field(ti.f32)
# 'a' has a block size of 4x4
ti.root.pointer(ti.ij, 32).dense(ti.ij, 4).place(a)
bls_size = 4 x 4 (x 4 Bytes) = 64 Bytes (Fast)
before a parallel for-looop
(default_block_dim = 256 Bytes)
kernel .
def func():
for i in range(8192): # no decorator, use default settings
ti.block_dim(128) # change the property of next for-loop:
for i in range(8192): # will be parallelized with block_dim=256
for i in range(8192): # no decorator, use default settings
when a data is very important (actually in our case some neighbor will be counted as well)
a = ti.field(ti.f32)
# `a` has a block size of 4x4
ti.root.pointer(ti.ij, 32).dense(ti.ij, 4).place(a)
kernel .
def foo():
# Taichi will cache `a` into the CUDA shared memory
for i, j in a:
print(a[i - 1, j], a[i, j + 2])
bls_size = 5 x 6 (x 4 Bytes) = 120 Bytes (the overlapped part will be cached in different bls)
import taichi as ti
ti.init(arch = ti.cuda)
res_x = 512
res_y = 512
pixels = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=(res_x, res_y))
kernel .
def render():
# draw sth on the canvas
for i, j in pixels:
color = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # init the canvas to black
pixels[i, j] = color
gui = ti.GUI("Canvas", res=(res_x, res_y))
for i in range(100000):
Add color via a for-loop
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32):
for i,j in pixels:
r = 0.5 * ti.sin(float(i) / res_x) + 0.5
g = 0.5 * ti.sin(float(i) / res_y + 2) + 0.5
b = 0.5 * ti.sin(float(i) / res_x + 4) + 0.5
color = ti.Vector([r, g, b])
pixels[i, j] = color
Draw a circle
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32):
for i,j in pixels:
color = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # init to black
pos = ti.Vector([i, j])
center = ti.Vector([res_x/2.0, res_y/2.0])
r1 = 100.0
r = (pos - center).norm()
if r < r1:
color = ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
pixels[i, j] = color
func .
def step(edge, v):
ret = 0.0
if (v < edge): ret = 0.0
else: ret = 1.0
return ret
Linearstep (ramp)
func .
def linearstep(edge1, edge2, v):
assert(edge1 != edge2)
t = (v - edge1) / float(edge2 - edge1)
t = clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0)
return t # can also do other interpolation methods
# such as: return (3-2*t) * t**2 (plot below)
func .
def circle(pos, center, radius, blur):
r = (pos - center).norm()
t = 0.0
if blur > 1.0: blur = 1.0
if blur <= 0.0:
t = 1.0-hsf.step(1.0, r/radius)
t = hsf.smoothstep(1.0, 1.0-blur, r/radius)
return t
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32):
for i,j in pixels:
c = circle(pos, center, r1, 0.1)
color = ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * c
pixels[i, j] = color
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32):
# draw something on your canvas
for i,j in pixels:
color = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # init your canvas to black
tile_size = 64
center = ti.Vector([tile_size//2, tile_size//2])
radius = tile_size//2
pos = ti.Vector([hsf.mod(i, tile_size), hsf.mod(j, tile_size)]) # scale i, j to [0, tile_size-1]
c = circle(pos, center, radius, 0.1)
color += ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])*c
pixels[i,j] = color
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32):
# draw something on your canvas
for i,j in pixels:
color = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # init your canvas to black
tile_size = 16
for k in range(3):
center = ti.Vector([tile_size//2, tile_size//2])
radius = tile_size//2
pos = ti.Vector([hsf.mod(i, tile_size), hsf.mod(j, tile_size)]) # scale i, j to [0, tile_size-1]
c = circle(pos, center, radius, 0.1)
color += ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])*c
color /= 2
tile_size *= 2
pixels[i,j] = color
kernel .
def render(t:ti.f32): # this t represents time (or other par) and added in the followed expressions
# draw something on your canvas
for i,j in pixels:
r = 0.5 * ti.sin(t+float(i) / res_x) + 0.5
g = 0.5 * ti.sin(t+float(j) / res_y + 2) + 0.5
b = 0.5 * ti.sin(t+float(i) / res_x + 4) + 0.5
color = ti.Vector([r, g, b])
pixels[i, j] = color
y = rand(x)
/ y = ti.random()
(white noise, need to find a balance in smooth and chaos)
make in [0, 1]: y = fract(sin(x) * 1.0)
scale up: y = fract(sin(x) * 10000.0)
blur = hsf.fract(ti.sin(float(0.1 * t + i // tile_size * 5 + j // tile_size * 3)))
c = circle (pos, center, radius, blur)
The Balance: Perlin noise (huge randomness but continuous in smaller scales)
Light rays
In color finding, option 1-2 usually use rasterization than RT. The classical RT is option 3 and the modern RT is actually option 4 (path tracing)
For 256x128:
Ray-tracing style:
Rasterization style
Cannot tell the materials using their colors
What we see = color * brightness
Brightness =
The larger
Looks like 3D, but still lack of the specular surfaces
Brightness =
For higher
Brightness =
Shining but floating, no glassy like
-> Shadow / Mirror / Dielectric
Since we have partially tranparent objects (the one with a gray shadow)
Refraction + Reflection (Recursive)
-> not easy to program
Shading Models:
The Whitted-Style Ray Tracing:
With GI, diffuse surface will still scatter rays as well. Without GI, if not shined from the light source directly, it has fully dark shadow
An “unified” model for different surfaces:
Diffuse (Monte Carlo Method) | Specular | Dielectric |
Monte Carlo Methdo: rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results
All the collected weighted average color show the final color of a point
Noisy (if
The current stop criterion
Hit a light source
Hit the bg (casted to the void)
-> Problem: Infinity loops
Solution 1: Set depth of recursion (stop at the nth recursion): affects the illumination
Solution 2: Russian Roulette
When asked “what color does the ray see”
Set a probability p_RR (for instance 90%)
Roll a dice (0-1)
if roll() > p_RR:
def what_color_does_this_ray_see(ray_o, ray_dir): # original point and dir
if (random() > p_RR):
return 0
flag, P, N, material = first_hit(ray_o, ray_dir, scene)
if flag == False: # hit void
return 0
if material.type == LIGHT_SOURCE: # hit light source
return 1
else: # recursive
ray2_o = P
ray2_dir = scatter(ray_dir, P, N)
# the cos(theta) in DIFFUSE is hidden in the scatter function
L_i = what_color_does_this_ray_see(ray2_o, ray2_dir)
L_o = material.color * L_i / p_RR
return L_o
The rendering equation
What we see = Color * Brightness
What we see after multiple bounces = Color * Color * … * Brightness (Ray tracing)
Ray is a line def by its origin (
Positioning camera / eye
lookfrom[None] = [x, y, z]
Orienting camera / eye
lookat[None] = [x, y, z]
Placing the screen
# center pass through lookat-lookfrom
# Perpendicular with lookat-lookfrom
distance = 1.0
Orienting the screen (up vector)
up[None] = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
Size of the screen (Field of View)
The FOV setting to match to the corresponding FOV of the real life will be better (i.e. smaller monitor / farther from the screen -> smaller FOV)
theta = 1.0/3.0 * PI
half_height = ti.tan(theta / 2.0) * distance
half_width = aspect_ratio * half_height * distance # can also use another FOV to control
w = (lookfrom[None]-lookat[None]).normalized()
u = (up[None].cross(w)).normalized()
v = w.cross(u)
cam_lower_left_corner[None] = (lookfrom[None] - half_width * u - half_height * v – w)* distance
cam_horizontal[None] = 2 * half_width * u * distance
cam_vertical[None] = 2 * half_height * v * distance
u = float(i)/res_x
v = float(j)/res_y # uv in [0, 1]
ray.direction = cam_lower_left_corner[None] + u * cam_horizontal[None] + v * cam_vertical[None] - lookfrom[None]
A pixel has its size as well -> + 0.5 pixels
u = float(i+0.5)/res_x
v = float(j+0.5)/res_y # uv in (0, 1)
Def of the sphere:
Intersection? :
Find the smallest positive root
Problem: Shadow Acne (Caused by precision)
-> Want a slightly more positive number than 0:
For example in the following picture:
Actually formed by 4 huge spheres other than using planes (more convenient)
Definition of a plane:
Implicit surfaces:
Polygonal surfaces: (Polygon meshes are usually made of triangles)
Want to sample the directions of rays uniformly
Cartesian coordinates:
Polar coordinates:
Attempt one:
-> Uniform?: The probability of sampling is proportional to the surface area (differential surface element:
-> probability density function (p.d.f.)
The corrected attempt:
Negate the direction if against the normal
The rejection method: (Higher rejection rate for higher dimension problem (higher costs))
Alternative: uniformly sample a point on a uniform sphere centered at
Law of reflection:
Snell’s law (for refraction):
Happens when
Snell’s law may fail to give
At a steep angle => Reflection Coefficient
Refraction Coefficient
S-polarization (perpendicular to)
P-polarization (parallel to)
For “natural light”:
Material and angle
def scatter_on_a_dielectric_surface(I):
sin_theta_i = -I.cross(N)
theta_i = arcsin(sin_theta_i)
if n1/n2*sin_theta_i > 1.0:
return R # total internal reflection
R_c = reflectance(theta_i, n1, n2)
if random() <= R_c:
return R # reflection (in = out)
return T # refraction (Snell's law)
Call functions: temp var. -> storage in stack => higher pressure
Better solution -> using loops for tail-resursion
Optimization: Remain the fronter part of breaking loops; modify the tail-recursion part:
brightness *= material.color / p_RR
ray_o = P
ray_dir = scatter(ray_dir, P, N)
# the cos(theta) in DIFFUSE is hidden in the scatter function
return color
Zig-zag artifacts -> softening the edges
In this case we can use 4 times of random sampling -> anti-aliasing
Linear ODE:
For linear materials,
Widely used for small deformation, such as physically based sound simulation (rigid bodies) and topology optimization
General Cases:
Equation of Motion
Extremely fast, but increase the system enery gradually (leads to explode) -> seldom used => Symplectic Euler Integration
Also very fast. Update the velocity first -> momentum preserving, oscillating system Hamiltonian (could be unstable) -> Widely used in accuracy centric applications (astronomy simulation / molecular dynamics /…)
Often expensive. Energy declines, damping the Hamitonian from the osscillating components. Often stable for large timesteps -> Widely used in performance-centric applications (game / MR / design / animation)
Spring current pose:
Spring current length:
Spring rest-length:
Deformation (Elastic) evergy (Huke’s Law):
Compute force
kernel .
def compute_gradient():
# clear gradient
for i in range(N_edges):
grad[i] = ti.Vector([0, 0])
# gradient of elastic potential
for i in range(N_edges):
a, b = edges[i][0], edges[i][1]
r = x[a]-x[b]
l = r.norm()
l0 = spring_length[i]
k = YoungsModulus[None]*l0
# stiffness in Hooke's law
gradient = k*(l-l0)*r/l
grad[a] += gradient
grad[b] += -gradient
Time integration
# symplectic integration
acc = -grad[i]/m - ti.Vector([0.0, g])
v[i] += dh*acc
x[i] += dh*v[i]
Cloth sim / Hair sim
Not the best choice when sim continuum area/volume: Area/volume gets inverted without any penalty => Linear FEM
A continuous model to describe deformation:
Generally: For
After approx, close to a translation in very small region:
=> A non-rigid deformation gradient shall end up with a non-zero deformation energy
=> Deformation gradient is NOT the best quantity to describe deformation
Strain tensor:
Samples in different constitutive models:
From energy density function to energy:
Continuous Space:
Discretized Space:
Find deformation gradient: Original pose (Uppercase) => Current pose
Find the gradient of
Chain rule: (Note:
1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor for hyperelastic matrial:
Some 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors:
St. Venant-Kirchhoff model (StVK):
Co-rotated Linear Model:
-> Taichi: Autodiff
General Method:
Compute Energy
# gradient of elastic potential
for i in range(N_triangles):
Ds = compute_D(i)
F = Ds@elements_Dm_inv[i]
# co-rotated linear elasticity
R = compute_R_2D(F)
Eye = ti.Matrix.cols([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
# first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
P = 2*LameMu[None]*(F-R) + LameLa[None]*((R.transpose())@F-Eye).trace()*R
#assemble to gradient
H = elements_V0[i] * P @ (elements_Dm_inv[i].transpose())
a,b,c = triangles[i][0],triangles[i][1],triangles[i][2]
gb = ti.Vector([H[0,0], H[1, 0]])
gc = ti.Vector([H[0,1], H[1, 1]])
ga = -gb-gc
grad[a] += ga
grad[b] += gb
grad[c] += gc
Time integration
# symplectic integration
acc = -grad[i]/m - ti.Vector([0.0, g])
v[i] += dh*acc
x[i] += dh*v[i]
With autodiff
Compute energy
kernel .
def compute_total_energy():
for i in range(N_triangles):
Ds = compute_D(i)
F = Ds @ elements_Dm_inv[i]
# co-rotated linear elasticity
R = compute_R_2D(F)
Eye = ti.Matrix.cols([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
element_energy_density = LameMu[None]*((FR)@(F-R).transpose()).trace() + 0.5*LameLa[None]*(R.transpose()@F-Eye).trace()**2
total_energy[None] += element_energy_density * elements_V0[i]
Compute gradient
if using_auto_diff:
with ti.Tape(total_energy):
compute_gradient() # use this func
Time integration
# symplectic integration
acc = -x.grad[i]/m - ti.Vector([0.0, g]) # this `x.grad` will be 2n*1 vector (same with compute_grad)
v[i] += dh*acc
x[i] += dh*v[i]
In simulation: The time difference between the adjacent ticks on the temporal axis for the simulation:
v[i] += h * acc
x[i] += h * v[i]
In display: The time difference between two images displayed on the screen:
The smaller
One iter of Newton’s Method, referred as semi-implicit
Goal: Solving
Algorithm: Non-linear -> Linear (
Substitute this approx:
The solution is actually the location of
To reduce the red part: add another step:
Integrating the nonlinear root finding problem over
Note: (Matrix Norm)
For nonsingular
The general descent method:
def minimize_g():
x = x_0
while grad_g(x).norm() > EPSILON:
Determine a descent dir: dx
Line search: choose a stepsize: t > 0
Update: x = x + t * dx
Determine a descent dir:
Opt 1: Gradient Descent:
Opt 2: Newton’s Method:
Find the step size:
Line search: choose a step size
def line_search():
t = t_0
while g(x) + alpha*t*grad_g(x).dot(dx) < g(x+t*dx):
# this alpha indicates a line between the grad and the line w/ alpha = 0
t = t * beta
return t
But most deformable bodies have non-convex energies: unsteady equilibrium.
Init guess:
While loop: while not converge:
Descent dir:
Line search: det the stepsize
For general cases:
in Step 2 (while), After compute gradient dir and Hessian, add another substep:
Opt 1: Global Regularization
Init: flag = False
, reg = 1
while not flag:
, L = factorize(~H)
Try to factorize reg = reg * 10
Opt 2: Local Regularization (in mass-spring system)
Has a sufficient condition:
After this definiteness-fix: (Newton’s)
Direct solvers
Factorization (usually better especially for sparse matrices):
Interative solvers
First solve
Then solve
For sparse matrices -> complexity not high; But not parallized (CPU backend only)
Current APIs:
[SparseMatrixBuilder] = ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder()
[SparseMatrix] = [SparseMatrixBuilder].build()
[SparseMatrixSolver] = ti.linalg.SparseSolver(solver_type, ordering)
[NumpyArray] = [SparseMastrixSolver].solve([Field])
Demo: (Python scope - control flow)
def conjugate_gradient(A, b, x):
i = 0
r = b – A @ x
d = r
delta_new =
delta_0 = delta_new
while i < i_max and delta_new/delta_0 > epsilon**2:
q = A @ d # Matrix-Vector multiplication -> expensive
alpha = delta_new / # dot prod -> expensive
x = x + alpha*d
r = b - A @ x # r = r - alpha * q
delta_old = delta_new
delta_new =
beta = delta_new / delta_old
d = r + beta * d
i = i + 1
return x
Reduce the time of sparse-matrix-vector multiplication of q = A @ d
: (Piece-wise multiply)
Use @ti.kernel
-> computing
(Taichi enables thread local storage automatically for this reduction problem) (Taichi TLS / CUDA Reduction Guide)
Reduce the condition number of
The error (Upper bound)
Instead of solving
Lagrangian Method = Particle-Based
usually compressible for explosion / shock wave / … ; incompressible for slower dynamics
The Navier-Stokes Equation (
Separate the N-S Eqn into 2 parts and use half the timestep to solve each part (Advection-Projection)
Step 1: Input
Step 2: Input
Step 1: Advection / external and viscosity force integration
Step 2: Projection / pressure solver (Poisson Solver)
Step 3: Update position
Storing the density
Symplectic Euler Integration: In this case step 1 and 2 can be combined since they are both explicit (no order diff)
Step 1: Advection / external and viscosity force integration
Step 2: Projection / pressure solver (Use the current-point-evaluated
Step 3: Update position
- Previous knowledge using Lag. View: Mesh-based simulation (FEM)
- Today: Mesh-free simulation => a simular example: marine balls
Cont. view -> Discrete view (using particles):
Time integration (Symplectic Euler):
But still need to evaluate
The Dirac function only tends to infinity at 0 but equals to 0 otherwise. And its overall integral is 1.
Still use the summation:
Use a
Par stored in every particles
Intrinsic quantities:
Time varying quantities:
The operators will affect only on the kernel func (
Better for projection / divergence / …
=> Since
Better for forces
A more gen case:
Special Case: when
For i in particles:
Search for neighbors j -> Apply the support radius
For i in particles:
Sample the
For i in particles (Symplectic Euler)
Insufficient samples
Free Surface: lower density and pressure => Generate outward pressure
-> Sol: Clamp the negative pressure (everywhere),
Solid Boundary: lower density and pressure => Fluid leakage (outbound velocity)
-> Sol:
for leakage:
Navie search:
=> Use background grid: Common grid size =
(Each neighbor search takes 9 grids in 2D and 27 grids in 3D)
A toy example:
(for some quantity ) => Theoretical sol: Operator Splitting:
Step 1: Advection: (Solve intuitive formula) => in Lag (trivial), in Euler (not trivial)
Step 2: Applying forces: (The term of viscosity could be neglected when simulate gas; gravity can be neglected when the gas has similar density as air)
Step 3: Projection: (Solve for pressure and ensure divergence free)
In Eulerian grids: Need to record: grid index / velocity / density / temperature / grid size / …
Lagrangian: Dynamic markers
Eulerian: Static markers
Spatial derivative: The dimensions can be decoupled when computing the spatial derivatives due to the structural grid
To compute
Forward difference:
Central difference:
Problem of the central difference: Non-constant functions are able to register a zero spatial derivative
Central difference with a “staggered” grid:
Usually store the velocity using the staggered fashion (edges); and store the other (scalar) quantities in the grid centers (e.g. temperature / density / pressure)
For a row x col grid (3x3) storage:
Exterior calculus
For velocity (self-advection)
In Eulerian view, quantities flow with the velocity field for
1-D Advection: Unconditionally Unstable w/. FTCS
To find value of
Usually use Bilinear interpolation in 2D:
1-D Advection: Unconditionally Stable (The peak will stably move forward) => Required
Increase the numerical dissipation/viscosity
=> Some better schemes with less dissipation:
Sharper Interpolation (Cubic Hermit spline interpolation)
Better error correction schemes
Backtracked “particle” out-of-boundary:
Simplest sol: Take the value of the boundary
Want to solve
Use finite difference again:
The condition will not be divergence free => becomes
Another way to achieve Possion’s problem:
For every grid: One unknown
For every grid: One equation:
Require only a linear solver:
All pressure are solved than to update velocity:
But velocity values are more than pressure values => introducing boundary conditions
Free Surface (Dirichlet)
Solid Wall (Neumann)
For solid grids:
The Possion’s equation with boundaries:
To solve